Please consider making a donation to support the maintenance and operation of this site. I have invested a significant amount of my personal funds to cover its expenses and legal fees and time. Your contribution will greatly help me continue to provide information about these treatments.
Consultant Firms to help with microwave effects: Most charge a fee for time, and all offer free consultations with a limit time of 10 min, telling you what they offer:
- Phone: 760-668-2245 (Referrals to Chip scanning, bug sweep, Microwave signals around your body and home.
- Audio & Video 250 dollars a hour Audio/Video Personal Consultation
- Website doctor online, Med doctors, and Therapy online and referral to doctors get other meds a website that will listen, answer, they may not fully understand. But they are their to listen and try prescribe anything to help!
10. This electronic device know as a electronic magnet that puts sound in your mind and body! You can use this device to overpower voices in your mind, You can also turn up the volume to over power Hearing voices in the mind. You can also use this device for learning disabilities to help focus more into the subject. This will also impulse you to buy more. This might could also project scalar waves to maybe over ride your brain system, which the government is controlling with this same device, They use this same device threw cell phone tower and satellites which they talk in from mind to mind or computer to computer or Computer to a person mind in the government, Which they also do this same thing to targeted individuals know as hearing voices or paranoia or any auditory sense, I was person that heard these sounds, and realize it was government back in 2016, and they try to set me up, They label me as paranoid by tiger by sound. Then I found out I was a targeted individual from drug units and ICAC. Which then follow by World corruption which they have been doing experiments all over world. They did this to me to target me, and control my thoughts, and desires, and worst take away my freedom and kids. Then. even government that did this to me, also said in the Court this is all fake, and no such thing, Hear is proof, and YOU can buy this item, and face at people make think someone is in their mind. watch 3 videos below.
The video below shows this machine can act like microwave weapon, which is proof, and can make seem like paranormal state of mind or targeted individuals. You Can buy this device at at Audio spot light for Court and for Treatment to battle against microwave effects.
400 Pleasant Street
Suite A
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: +1-617-923-4000
Fax: +1-617-507-3474
You can use this device for disabilities that can help you focus and other disability’s.
This video below explains how we can here this device at audio spotlight. which is proof we can hear voices and stuff in are head, and shows how it works. If you are doctors. This must be something You never heard of. But some hospitals already bought this have it in waiting room or in the room for their tv or treatment! If you we’re hospital that did not believe someone is putting voices in your head, and now you found out about this, stop saying its fake, and maybe stop medication because your hospital can be sue for Mal practice and also false imprisonment if you have lock someone up for hearing voices or audio paranoia.
Below is Treatment with new case study of ketamine treatment, which helps with microwave effects while your being attacked or coming off havanna syndrome. Please leave a donation for helping you all find these treatments. I need donations to help run this site, I have used alot my money covering this site and lawsuits.