- Microwave Weapon; Where they can transfer, record, emotions, video memories, smell, taste, hear, and touch!
- They can push(put them in your mind) emotions (feeling), holograms such as hallucinations or delusional, smell, taste, noises (mimic) talking in mind (Schizophrenia) Mental health & illness is manmade by a machine known as a microwave weapon; People hold stigma on lies and fake beliefs.
- Depression
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Specific Phobias
- Bipolar Disorder
- Delusional disorder:
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Binge Eating Disorders
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Panic disorder:
- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD):
- Social anxiety disorder (or social phobia):
- Schizophrenia
- Schizoaffective disorder:
- Schizophreniform disorder:
- Substance-induced psychotic disorder: When you see things on drugs all fake, and the government Tortures people when they do drugs, brainwash in crimes, and make them see stuff or go crazy or suicidal or overdose to teach them a lesson
- THE Movies & Shows based on the above about implanting mental health in person and more:
- BrainStorm Movie ON Demand or Blue Ray BrainStorm Movie, they put any emotion in a person’s head or feeling
- See live video and your memories from birth;, 1. the 100 show 2. the feed, Deja Vu | Truman Show We have CAMEARAs in our eyes too like this and named after a president |
- Where they steal your body or known as spilt disorder; BodySnatch,
- Where they act like its the air hurting people or something else, but really it is a Microwave weapon attacking people:Await Further instruction, LockDown 2025
- AI and machines In people Minds & body; Ghost in The Shell AI and Robots
- Read Our Minds or thoughts: 1984 Thought Police from Microwave weapon | Judge Dredd Proof Nuclear war and New World
- They found out if they torture people, or Find some kind way to bring out their dormant GENE some people have superpowers hidden here on Earth: CIA was caught hurting people in a Canadian hospital, and in Mexico injector of disease in people which they already paid lawsuits out. Movie: Third Eye Spies, | JOLT, | SPEED OF LIGHT, WHERE THEY CAN SPEAK IN YOUR MIND & THEY HAVE MACHINE DO THIS TO REGULAR PEOPLE, KNOW AS VISUALIZATION THEY PICTURE STUFF IN MIND AND TALK, Freaks | We can see the future Watch Paycheck |
- Prove we can live forever, or be uploaded to a hard drive, robot, or clone body; Archive, | Upload show on-demand,| The Matrix, | The island | Out Time Proves We can live forever | Out Of Time this can be done by microwave weapon frequency |
- Humans can be Frozen until we find cures and program humans: The Demolition
- Visualization in the mind as sex, playing games, or more while awake and sleep; The Demolition, |SPEED OF LIGHT, WHERE THEY CAN SPEAK IN YOUR MIND & THEY HAVE MACHINE DO THIS TO REGULAR PEOPLE, KNOW AS VISUALIZATION THEY PICTURE STUFF IN MIND AND TALK,| mind warp
- Make assigns, hijack people’s minds for a mass shootings, or make government trained spy from microwave weapons;
- Drugs Movies, based on some truth, but lost yet: American Meth
- Simualtion or game simulation in the future: 2047 Where we live in simulation | Upload show on-demand, | The Matrix,
- Delusional disorder made from microwave weapon; Haunted Stories Really they are holograms from microwave weapon. | Jacob ladder from microwave weapon attack |
- Dreams; That set up people for crimes or kill them in their sleep and it’s from microwave weapons: They can also implant dreams (implanting memories) to make you think they did a crime or drive person nuts to make them do a crime. That’s Right I SLOVE MANY CRIMES IF YOU WATCH Innocent man book documentary movie on Netflix, I HAVE SOLVED THAT CASED AND MORE cases. THEY USE DREAM IMPLANTING FROM electromagnet to implanting dreams, Movies based on truth & Real to watch Blue-Ray Dreamscape Movie or Blue Ray Dreamscape Movie, |CANDYMAN
- THE Movies & Shows based on the above about implanting mental health in person and more:
- Movies & Shows Based On Future Predictions, That show was in the past (simulation) or its fixed life:
- Where Earth Heats up and dinosaurs unleashed from hollow earth:Hatched
- Where Earth Heats up and Aliens unleashed from hollow earth; Prometheaus
- Aliens invade Earth:Project Blue book projectors in space Real, Project Ithaca
- Disease & Zombie kills all humans: bird flu, Something Beneath The World, maze Runner
- Climate Change kills all humans:
- Our True Religion & True Gods & Where We Come From:
- The Da Vinci Code (film)
- The signs of the bible prophecy are real and we are in the past, that bible is was made with clues in the future to guide us of the far coming of the Future., (like we’re in the simulation-like matrix or were in the past), Jesus Christ was guided by microwave weapon, which was hand down from the future (traveling back in the past) or reliving memories in simulation or changing memories in simulation or were capture by aliens in simulation or we all died once before from machines, or from Armageddon where we had Technology, mutation with humans, animals, and dinosaurs. Where dinosaurs lived with us in the future, and somehow the World ended! But we had all our memories saved in our memory banks where we were reborn in real life making us think we’re in the past; but really we were re-born again, just reliving the same life or changing our memories: Let’s not die again, and restart, This could be true, chose in your Will this time, what simulation to choose when you die or in your memory bank (Where holds your memories, not allowed to play(without all consent of parties & copyright), but reborn in human, machine or simulation. Choose this time if choose to relive memories or change or go to a different simulation! After Judgement Day or Armageddon Earth, Mars, and the other 7 planets decide to restart life due we all died, but made seem were in the past, but really what your looking at in the mirror world is your past life, and when looking in the future on looking, really is your past it’s your past life, tricking you that’s the future, and where learning from mistakes. Would you love to see your past lives? Or who you are in the future or your past future life? Where shows how advanced we were then all died off, and we were given a second chance to live again from our memory banks? Were, I saw visions and dreams where I made this memory bank and made contracts with all people, countries, and Planet God’s to keep all of us safe. Somehow we are in the past and this Technology got stolen from all of us, or someone planted a virus in the computer or someone attacked or stole this from us and captured or I had security protocol for incase of Judgement day or If all life died. We would be restarted, and the choice was all yours, except it was stolen or last time it was different, we were fighting robots, and AI and the world about die, and somehow I was commander of the World Resistance as I am now, which then I protected the people world, Which some of this may of never happen, it may been a vision or planned, but AI destroys us since, all governments and business are working on AI, and its lose all over with people trying cause judgment day or hurt with corruption and guilt where they killed the whole world before we could get achieve this as ONe world, instead we all fought with different problems ending with mass Disease, climate change made by man, and last nuclear war, which kill us all. Some people have wanted all people and humans dead since we are using all resources, and some governments want to keep this world from them keeping us stuck in a fake world in the future, known as a hard drive or fake heaven or hell in the future, made by humans, this is all verified as the world governments want all humans dead in 2045 if you look at the website 2045.com. My name is Travis Duane Huss 02/22/1984 born on George Washington day to stop Judgement day, I am from the year 2143, travel back in time hosting my past body, with my future mind and body, with time a people from the future, As, I was the leader of the resistance to stop judgment day, and As I am the leader of the resistance again, Trying to warn, and a group of resistance around the world before its too late, Who is the resistance? The resistance is the Freedom fighters, Time Travelers, All protest Groups stating their cause for freedom, Crimianla around the World due them being controlled and SET UP on mass crimes, Which I traveled World to Free them all, Then they join the resistance as well as all the kids, you call kids. Also, kids around the world have been enslaved, tricked, forced by people, governments, and by parents to enforce rules, beliefs, and abuse which leads to them growing controlled and changing kids against their will, which changes our future, and many kids die to parents and many are forced by their parent’s beliefs not giving them a choice of freedom! People all over the world are asking for help due to them being attacked by microwave weapons, or by persons controlled by microwave weapons causing harm to the innocent! Which TI, Targeted Individuals, Gangstalking, Remote Neural Monitoring, and more are crying out for help, or talking live online on YourSocialFreedom.com, Youtube, WeChat in China, Facebook and more telling you the truth, and asking for help! So many turn their heads and choose not to help or believe, These people were chosen our know as chosen ones, or watchmen warning of the future. Search online or internet and look around people all over are being controlled by microwave weapons and asking for help this is why we have a mass overdose, and mass sudcial’s. If you like it or not people are asking for help, I am the leader of resistance willing to tell you the truth and fight against this evil in governments known as corruption. Will join the resistance and fight for our freedom, and end all wars, and end all crimes! I may sound crazy, but how do I know the truth! How do I know the future! I traveled back in time, to stop judgment day as watchmen, a protector of the universe, and time travel, will you help stop judgment day! When you search YourSocialFreedom.com please be kind, and look at people’s videos, files, pictures, blogs, and messages that are stating the truth even if you think it’s lies or they are crazy or they have mental health problems. Truth is they know World, and the Truth all people in World are blind to the truth and influence taught in school growing guided by the government tricking your mindset. Make the decision for yourself, Where are we? Who are you? Are your emotions and thoughts yours? Who do you wanna become? What is your true purpose in your life or goals? It’s your choice alone what you want believe in or not, But YourSocialFreedom.com is telling you the truth! Please message people on here ask them, what they been threw, and comment and learn from these people! Find Freinds, or Other ChosenOnes or targeted Individuals that are like you or learn from these people and you will see the Truth! This Social Media is For others to connect to Other Chosen Ones, and for Targted Individuals or gang stalking victims to connect with each other, and learn and fight together. Lastly, it’s for us to win back our Freedom and our minds, and get massive Money lawsuit to millions to quadrillions each person. This is no lie look at the lawsuit, If your lawyer please join our team. End Times, America Has Fallen, The 100 Show | America will be destroy like Red Dawn Movie |
- Stopping Armageddon or Judgement day in the bible and is real & proof we live in the past & we know the future, and we keep changing it Nostradamus, Enslave World, War Games, 2149, HISTORY OF TIME TRAVEL, The Terminator, Dragon Day, The DoomsDayMachine, Telugu (Where we turn into holograms or robots), Center of Time, StarGate, The Flashes, The Android Uprising, Debug, watch Omega Doom | 1984 Thought Police from Microwave weapon, 2047 Where we live in simulation | Judge Dredd Proof Nuclear war and New World | dread thought police and nuclear war | 2036d die from AI | America will be destroy like Red Dawn Movie | Ghost in The Shell AI and Robots |
- EMP from Sun which happens in the years 2025 -2030 look it up; Watch Solar Impact
- Microwave Weapon; Where they can transfer, record, emotions, video memories, smell, taste, hear, and touch!
- Other Shows to watch to Quantum leap movie,
- Please leave donations for medical help, and money to make a clone of a microwave weapon, with a DNA signature, to prove to doctors, and the World this is real. So, I can have evidence for medical, and Court, It will cost 500,000 dollars for me to make a microwave weapon with a DNA signature. Please Donate or if think I’m Crazy Please give a donation for specialize doctor.
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