I’m still king search for my self n truth of freedom and I’m finding my self and more truth I get . More of pain I feel I missed out . They say I have time and unlimited but they have lie n hurt me and not excuse for their mistakes n wrong where u you see. Mix of 2 people singing or sounds toghter or over pictch of layers and n toghter n mix wor…Read More
TheProtector and
ckane2 are now friends
Today. Us another day I am waiting for my wife show up at my house 306 dawes st Oshkosh , wi,54901 and phone 9204287738 and my wife is Emilia Clarke Huss , did she forget to come home or hit head or have brain anyersum, I’m waiting for you come knock at my door , day after each day , still waiting for u remember me like I remember you, n what we h…Read More
Today is another day, and I am waiting for my wife to show up at my house, 306 Dawes St, Oshkosh, WI, 54901. You can reach her on the phone at 9204287738. My wife’s name…
TheProtector and
TI.Katascha are now friends
TheProtector and
Brad are now friends
Write special Counsel and see if they can help or sue them too
See if you go by news station in big city and put flyers all over and see if someone finally notices people are being attacked, Even better Its time, it Washington DC with Flyers for ONCE, Since This time I am ready
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Covid is fake! When You take the Shot or you get covid it is really microwave attack they are making your body ache and taste and more, to show you they are corrupted and in their mind, they think they are showing you we are in fake world, Really are Technology is just approved their is no proof yet of fake world, even if they found proof, they…Read More
My experience List is to get fight against microwave weapon ( This weapon enters threw RF, EMF, and Light, DNA attachment, ultra sonic, and even sound waves, It can be enter your body from any part of your part if person is experience enough.
PEMF or RIFE Machine
Any Electro Magnet Therapy
EMF Protection Rooms or House and Thick metal…Read More
Its is very possiable microwave weapon is pushing methane in our body making use feel different or from code in the brain, but is possible since electronic pulse traveling from space carrying air molecules which could carry methane which then they could change in air produce by giving to person as torture or it from code in body, from the brain…Read More
Nostradamus predicitons 2023
Great war
One of the first predictions that stand out for 2023 is ‘a great war’.
Nostradamus wrote, “Seven months the Great War, people dead of evil-doing. Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King.”
This has been predicted as the conflict in Ukraine caused by Russia’s invasion can grow even bigger, resulting in…Read More -
The time has come to review Nostradamus’ predictions for the coming year, so what’s supposedly in store for 2023? We’re afraid it’s not looking good.
French physician and alleged prophet Nostradamus published his collection of prophecies in 1555, predicting pivo…Read More
World will change I guess this year in 2023, I was hoping it was in 2022 Nostradamus is renowned for the accuracy of his age-old predictions. His forecasts are prophecies and are said to announce huge worldwide changes that will impact the global population. If you are curious about what he predicted for this year, you are in the right place! Be…Read More
If a person has been set up on crimes, as microwave, brain wash or attached, or more, , is subject to 1 million dollars a hour in suffering lawsuit plus, confident pay, and more, this only going after you still know basically innocent but held responsible due them being microwave, or harassed but not approve microwave
To find out reason a person does a crime, and why do things, or why say things, or act, or move or work, is based on quadments, = you must find all sources,, and put them in order, and what what out put= and what most portably answer, and ask patient and give by code,,,,soon AI will answer with combination, and mixture with qauadments and thought…Read More
make your marketing where projects image, sound, and light, and mol-cues as marketing be know as full effect hologram outside body with real image,,,and trandecenry in mind be know as personal image or message mmore private and could change person except with out filter
with this you can use your life force and eveentrail travel anywehree and ur body can get made anyway time,,,,,,adn be remade,, over at best ever, which then be no more…
track the soul and wave find out where person goes, in this reality their should be tracking, find out where soul goes and where people go, and why and track and bring back or tack demnish,,,and see if its here and see in hardrive,,,,and see if you become animal or plant for sins yo down, which this world is not forgiving,,,you must or not
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To find out reason a person does a crime, and why do things, or why say things, or act, or move or work, is based on quadments, = you must find all sources,, and put them in order, and what what out put= and what most portably answer, and ask patient and give by code,,,,soon AI will answer with combination, and mixture with qauadments and thought…Read More
buy this dna and hold it,,,,,for sleeves and pay them porttion or one big payment
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Freak Lore
HomeAncient MysteriesTiny human fossils have been found in Antarctica!Small in stature, they have been discovered in various locations throughout the world. These small creatures have been a part of…Read More
these were in my vision, we become to save on food, and our desires change back how we use to be, and I am going look for this dna and bring back this type of human or alien so people can choose this life form as sleeve
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I hope this letter finds you well. Today, as with every other day, I find myself eagerly awaiting your return to our home at 306 Dawes St, Oshkosh, WI, 54901….
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