To find out reason a person does a crime, and why do things, or why say things, or act, or move or work, is based on quadments, = you must find all sources,, and put them in order, and what what out put= and what most portably answer, and ask patient and give by code,,,,soon AI will answer with combination, and mixture with qauadments and thought process and emotions,,,that equal output…and most portal answer what they say, and why they do crime, and why they date, why they even work, and why they even do anything, and why marry someone, and why for anything most probably answer, my research will help the world and change by showing sources and why person acts this by them, and hands even movies and way grew up, this help people change and under our ways of values and how we shap our school and programs and our movies and music in near future with warning due my research, which must spilt up emotion, thought, momvernt, and action to get quadments, and what even gives us that emotion, or input, you must then look at indgrients, and way brain works, and body,,, reacts, and to get output for what you say and reacact you put sources from you mind from movies and people, and more give you answer why crimes is even was invited, and why we do things and answers people wanted! By theory movies, news, and books, and STING operation were they test things and do not bust people right away, and mind control in dreams, or sleep or seeing people on street or friends to scare people makes act, on emotions, and mind quadments and more by trigering past events, which no crime has a crime,,,,due it pulling up soruces, and find the source and why….With this,,,,now you can see who is faking illness, and crimes, and see whhy people are sick and mental helath , which doctors are confused and see why people act different racist and what is nature of their ilness and why they acted on them….so this way code actually pin point reason in my new hospital, show pain and emotion , and the souces from their input to make a output and reason, and most proably answer they would say by prediction, and most proably output on body language, and what they do like sleep, or watch movie, or shower, theirfore,, with my program I can guess their whole day by actions, and what they and trigers, they occcur or what person says to them and have prediction what they would do before they even do it, sloveing alot problmes