Been going hit real hard with microwave weapons. My whole body is swollen up and they are now hitting my feet so I can’t hardly walk. They are doing everything in their power to stop me from working and keeping me sick. I hope this lawsuit stops this before I die.
Also info in the store https://yoursocialfreedom.com/shop/
I had a lot of videos, but Youtube keeps blocking it! I have a lot info on Blogs

Right now the cased filed is going slow,
The one against Federal is pending against company’s and all Federal and US! I advise to figure out ways to upload proof to help the case in blogs or in your profile, more you upload more you get paid after lawsuit is won, and statements will help, leave daily post what is going on! I would suggest ways to figure out how deal with the pain,
I would suggest putting pressure on any point they causing pain too, and over time you start getting use to it like I have, and you can also ask your doctor for pain medication but make you tired, I have tried blocking and none them have worked,
Only way to block it is by theory:
1. a lot frequencies in the body
2. Build room or in lowest part of house like basement with 1/2 thick or too 2 inch thick of metal grounded, and thick rock mile deep under ground or in cave, with it all grounded, with RDF protection, and with no electronic devices in the room to help battle pain in body!.
3. Try Ear Plugs it can battle some of pain going in your body!
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