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    • Profile picture of PVT1975


      2 years, 7 months ago

      The dipshit cia (low class, uneducated) torturer keeps wanting to argue about how he thinks the number 33 is a paedophile number, used to describe paedophilia… you’d have to wonder, in his stupidity and idiocy, since he hasn’t been out into the real world or world society for 27 years, just where the idiot cia boy got that shit from?! I keep telling the arsehole idiot (that has a mentality of a 2 year old, that thinks it can verse real adults of the world) that Epstein must have f**ked his arsehole 33 times for his mental psychology, which has many associated perverted problems, to keep remembering his daddy paedophile, Epstein. Perhaps he can take that shitty memory of his, known to be cia clown, idiot, arsehole, and argue his case in a court of law, while we have criminal charges over his head for 27 years of human torture via satellite. Cia boys, you clowns can’t hide anywhere in the world these days… there’s just too much havana syndrome going on, that you cia clowns can’t even prove who’s doing it to you… LOL!! So in the meantime, cia boys, just go to the mentally ill facilities near your Langley building, and start your life as a targeted idiot clown, and be sure to pop those pills like the hospital staff tell you to, after having being diagnosed with schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia, and go through psychosomatic and psychotic episodes when you keep telling everyone you can’t see who’s attacking your idiot mind and body with so called “havana syndrome”… LOL, LOL, LOL!!!


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