This email I got back:
arbara Haney
Rep. Mike PraxFri, Jun 3 at 12:56 PM
Dear Mr. Huss,
I assume the information you are writing about involves the information listed at https://www.targetedjustice.com/next-gen-microwave-weapon.html
According to that website, the weapons you are referencing are located in New Mexico. Rep. Prax represents the North Pole area of Alaska in the Alaska State House. He has no authority over the state of New Mexico. It may be worth your while to consider writing the New Mexico State Legislature regarding your concerns about these weapon systems. You may find information on the New Mexico legislature at https://nmlegis.gov/
I assure you, Rep Prax has zero ability to direct or control any of these weapon system, and he has zero desire to control your emotions. In fact, No one in the Alaska State Legislature has the authority to operate these systems, even if those weapons were located in our state. I suspect this is also true for the State of New Mexico. Weapons systems are typically controlled by the Department of Defense. That is part of the Federal Government. Writing US Senators may be a more productive avenue for you to pursue, particularly the Armed Services Committee. You may find additional information on this committee at https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/ and https://armedservices.house.gov/
Please be polite in writing them and expressing your concerns regarding this technology.
Barbara Haney
From: huss_travis@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, June 3, 2022 9:22 AM
To: Rep. Mike Prax
Subject: A message about CoronavirusAn important update regarding COVID-19
Dear Government Official ,
Please shut off the microwave weapon and stop attacking me, and all innocent people in America, I have proof to arrest you in this coming year kiss your kids good night because you all are going to jail for corruption and torturing innocent people.
I got your info from target Justice turn this off, this machine that controls people I know you have login to see my thoughts and videos of me and you control my emotions.
I have been targeted by your groups and police and research places, since I was born and I have proof, I can also can see from your eyes, and your thoughts, I know as much as you, I also know the future. I can see everything and I know everything. A informant from CIA gave me information and flash drive see all corruption government officials are doing.
We are the resistance to fight for our freedom. We ask you surrender this microwave weapon, and stop all electronic Harassment on all people in the World. We know your involved, we have seen a-lot of your memories, We have people all over and informants in all government places as I speak. We are letting know you this to warn you, and tell other government officials shut down the microwave weapon on people know as DEEP STATE or electronic magnet if you do not turn off this electronic equipment know as microwave weapon, we are forced to expose your memories, and thoughts from your eyes, We also have the illegal broad cast of everyone and so do you. We have informants with statement collected over years were you work and can see all corruption you did for years. We have made deals with your friends and co-workers, We. are the resistance and we are all over. We ask for our Freedom and stop controlling us and doing unfair cruel toture to people. We are filing lawsuit in coming weeks, with proof, we are protesting all over, we are hanging flyers, we are filing John Does, which means the Government has 30 days to 60 days to be arrested for mass corruption. Kiss your family good night due all got caught mass human right violations and invasion privacy and more. We are the resistance, and the people of the World asking for justice. Soon You we see we are all over, watch the news, watch signs, watch social media. watch whole world. We know what you have done, we know all, we are the all seeing eye of all. We are the True. star people of this World. and the protectors of the universe that treasure Life, and we seek justice.
Do you know anything about DNA signature? Do you know how to shut it off? I have tried many things? My informants, will be exposed it and time to arise or fall from heaven. I been attacked for a long time? Since birth, I am born on Feb 22, 1984 a prophecy child to fight stop Judgement person to change or destroy America born on same four Fathers of George Washington, Prophecy child to change the world, and lead the resistance in world.
I have made many contracts with attorneys already and collecting info like you, I do sting operations against police and any government, I am stronger then you think, . I have a list of people willing to talk and informants and ready fight for freedom. I have a lot of proof, I have been attacked all my life and can prove it, since birth.. they have been targeted since I went after them and have alot proof in my house, and collected for 11 years of video, data and witness reports offline so they can find all, and tab in with sting rays, and have proof all over to take them down. As I write they are doing V2k to my mind and more since I know too much trying slow me down, and I will not, they are hurting innocent people and I can not stand by when this is happening.
I am working with attorneys right now to make civil lawsuit with mass amount proof.
I started new Social Media called YourSocialFreedom.com to submit info and connect to others about electronic Harassment. Please share my Social Media and help submit proof. We are the Resistance and we are filing proof against all governments in the world , contractors, companies, Bloombergs and Illuminati, and university, and research companies in world. We are prepare to fight for are freedom, and file lawsuits, and fight for our freedom. We are posting flyers all over the World, and preparing to stop this electronic Harassment anyway we need too, Will you join the fight for freedom? Will you join our civil or single lawsuits? Will you join and submit your statements? Will you authorize to submit proof from your thoughts and memories, when achieve technology to get video imprints from your mind for proof against all governments.
Join our Resistance and fight since your Global leader, We need people ready to fight when black sun, and before Judgement day, I am calling on real Global leaders to show strength and ready to come out of dark and light to show proof to media and people of the World. We have informants, We have tech, We have people ready to fight when It’s time. I am looking for real global Leaders not scared of the government. Please let me know, We are growing stronger every min, and everyday preparing for Judgement day, and We are trying to stop Judgement! please Email back with any proof, and anyway to help or register on YourSocialFreedom.com and look for signs all over the World and The resistance know as freedom-fighters and the protectors. We are growing and if you have people willing fight please have them sign up.
We are looking for more attonery join my team, please email or call me if they can help shut this down, or join the team under my contract rules, and take agreement of jail-time and being informant for me, Will talk on the government and police and FBI and more, The ones will talk I can give out lower deal, in jail time. If not you all be in prison for thousands of year for torture innocent people and kids. I suggest email me become an informant, and send info on YourSocialFreedom.com or this email. If your not will talk you be in prison for thousand of years , and we have lots of proof, and I know you all are on treason contract , for five years if you talk, If you don’t talk your facing thousands of years for cruel torture and more, Become an informant I have list informants already, will you join and shut this off who is attacking me. Tell turn this off.and Join my cause and testify against goverment this year you all will be arrested we know you can see from people eyes and see thoughts, and records everyone. When did you join Corruption? When did you decide rape people with electronic torture? when did you sign up to kill people under microwave weapon? when did you do overdose to kill people? When did you do sducidal to kill people on this? when did you touch little kids? when did you see little kids naked? When did you hurt people on this? When did you sexual tought them? when did you wipe their mind? when did you control them and lastly when did you know about SETING UP all Americans on crimes in prison? and death penalty watching from their eyes and killing the innocent? Thats right this all being record from your eyes, and your thoughts, we can see all , We are the resistance and we are here to free the people and prisoners and innocent people you have torture and killed and touch our bodys orver and over, YOUR GUILTY, You can get out become informant and write your info on email here, or to YOUrSocialFreedom.com
Facebook new account since they keep shutting me down, From spreading truth and showing too much, and ready fright for Freedom. This account active for awhile till shut down again, I filed report against facebook for control the media https://www.facebook.com/TheProtectorsOfWorld/
Join YourSocialFreedom.com where I control media and will not get shutdown except your government is shutting off the server, if you can get to site try VPN or new source of internet, The resistance know as the freedom fighters and the protectors of the universe all over. Watch for our Tags, Watch for AD’s , Watch for websites, watch for flyers all over and protest to arisre soon. We are growing and ready to act, since no will do nothin, and we are filing paper to stop all acts in this in world if they dont stop, it marks war with people of the World verse governments , due them being corrupted, and We will let them know, We do not hid in dark like FBI and corrupted people wearing mask and hiding, We will show our self and not run.
Leader of resistance of the Worlds
To stop Judgement day (we will not let you destroy world and cause judgement day, the all seeing eye told us, we are all over and we have informants, and they are helping resistance due them wanting deals.
Travis Duane Huss ( True Starperson)
306 Dawes st
Oshkosh WI, 54901
920 4287738