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Tuesday, June 24, 2008




 MAY 2006 to DECEMBER 31 2007 for January 1 2008 to December 2008 click on this link

TORTURE IS    Time is only experienced as now when you are under 24/7 /365 brutal torture. Your life is on hold you have no current life. There is no time relativity. The past or present does not exist in the mind. Torture has no cut off date. Brutality is preformed on you now is forever. The torturer invades and defiles the sacred temple of your body. He does this deliberately repeatedly , sadistically and sexually. Torture is an obscenity to your body.The crux of this torture– hitting nerve cells in the head and back of the neck) Nerve pain is the severest of all human pain


Murder By Torture –( Raped and sodomized and tortured with electronic weapons)
True Facts
Slow Painful Death
What it Feel Like
Overnite Beatings
Pain Types
Electronic Noises
Serious and irreversible Bodily Injuries
Body Torture
The Weapons
Criminal Violations
Property Destruction
How Done
Scientific Clues
Timeline on Ridge and About Me
What Happens Now
Stalkers on Aldine
References on Web



This document impacts everyone living in a free society. This is a true story about me. Please believe me this is not like “I was kidnapped by aliens in a swamp in Mississippi”. I have 25 notebooks of documentation and over two yearsof research. We all know about the regulations and the danger of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, and biological weapons Please bring yourself up to date on new age invisible, electronic dangerous deadly weapons. There is no regulation on these weapons which are just as dangerous. They are easy to secure, this means anyone can have them. You owe it to yourself to learn of these weapons that can take over the population. These weapons can put you in electronic slavery. Who could do this? Terrorists, police and military, gangs. Tyranny will rule. The government will be taken over first then the general population. The constitution will be suspended. Your freedoms of speech, religion (you will have to practice THEIR religion) freedom of the press will be denied, your freedom to assemble and associate with whom you please will be denied, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment will be in place. These types of laws are in place in governments such as Hitler, Stalin, Adi Amin, Saddam Hussein South Korea, China, Cuba. These weapons cause death without a trace, they are insidious, your life and welfare is in danger. The hit men employing these weapons can never be detected. Murder will easily be committed, and torture with these weapons leads to slow death. Murder by torture. The conventional “power and ball” weapons are in the past. Now dangerous, unregulated, beam weaponry is here. These weapons pass thru walls. Hardware is installed near by or in your living space and these weapons are operated on you by wireless technology. (SEE WEAPONS SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT) These deadly, unregulated weapons are being illegally used by law enforcement and private security firms to torture and maim innocent people for exploitation and abuse. this behavior is against international laws and treaties & conventions. It is illegal according to federal law, state law and international laws

These weapons inflict cruel and abiding pain with out leaving tell tale marks. What is terrorism? To force change on someone in a torturers way. That is one thing these weapons are being used for. These weapons can be applied over a prolonged period of time leaving no evidence. All your freedoms are gone.You will live a of torture, degradation and pain. These weapons are very dangerous they make you sick, disable you, and cause permanent crippling disabilities and can kill you outright or eventually lead you to a slow painful death. Torturers around the world prefer the cold blue sizzle of electroshock equipment precisely because they believe it will not leave permanent marks as evidence on their victims’ bodies. But see CLUES section of this document. This is not hysteria and not theoretical. This is actually taking place right now 2007-09. I personally have been under this torture 24/7 /365 for 3 years 24/7 /365 no let up. . I have done hours and hours of research and logged over2 yearsof facts. I am 71 years old, I have never ever ever been arrested I do not engage and never have engaged in criminal activity. You can be chipped with this technology without your knowledge or consent. Once done you will know this has happened to you because you will be lowered to the lowest level of society. See how done in HOW DONE section of this document. Please remember of a few FBI agents who tried to warn their superiors of the terrorist who were taking flight lessons in Phoenix. This is a similar type warning. Warning you of illegal use of unregulated, silent, untraceable electronic weaponry which does irreversible damage to your body and eventually causes death. They are extremely dangerous. This means these, like “ball and chain weapons” are also in the hands of terrorists, gangs, dangerous criminals, and anyone else that wants to purchase them as they are readily available and anyone can purchase them. There is no regulation of these hidden, untraceable, silent dangerous deadly weapons. We need to get a handle on regulation of these weapons and please contact your federal state and local legislators before it is too late.

Manufacturers of these weapons are postulating that these weapons are not dangerous the makers of these weapons say these weapons should only be used for self-defense or for emergencies in incapacitating an unruly person.


however, they are being used as torture devices by law enforcement on innocent people 24/7/365.This is what they do to you:

You are ELECTRONICALLY HOG-TIED- covertly implanted torture applications what is a torture application ?See how done section of this document) are placed on you to restrain and control your every movement with these applications are activated. See HOW DONE section of this document.

Extreme pain and torture will be placed all over your body 24/7/365. You can be “downed” at any moment causing serious injuries or death. See MMI weapon in WEAPONS SECTION of this document. You are “caged” into a restricted horrible life. You live in fear that you will be killed at any moment. And I can tell you that at many many times I have been out and out electrocuted with these weapons. Overnight on September 18 -19 I was out and out electrocuted 3 different times with these weapons now causing permanent pain in my left breast which is all swollen up and severe pain in my left lymph nodes, and heart. This is plus the 24/7 365 pain I was severely electrocuted and I did think this was the end of my life because of this electronic torture. Also I was downed by an electronic weapon called NMI (neuromuscular incapacitation) technology. Which caused serious injury requiring itches on my face, cracked knee cap and severe head injury requiring treatment at a hospital? I obtained my file from the medical records department of the hospital.

You are electronically RAPED- your uterus will be ripped open many many times a day and electronically seared and electronically burned. Eventually your uterus is completely prolapsed (hanging between your legs and when you sit down you will be sitting on your uterus) this requires the removal of a major body organ called a hestromectey. They have destroyed a major body organ.

You are sodomized with these weapons.


 (see TORTURE SECTION of this document for what 24/7/365 electronic torture is.)These weapons are deadly, dangerous at present are being operated in secret and they are at present untraceable. Dropping you to the ground and injuring you is a minor matter. (Of course since using electronic secret and untraceable weapons it looks like you have stumbled and fallen on your own). Just as conventional weapons are in the hands of terrorists, gangs, and just ordinary walking around criminals and your political enemies, or just plain people that do not like you, so are these weapons. Just as rouge cops, federal and local law enforcement agencies, are using we can be sure criminal elements have these weapons and are very very interested in securing these dangerous secret undetectable weapons and these are easy to secure. These various kinds of high tech weapons (SEE WEAPONS SECTION IN THIS DOCUMENT) can install implants (torture applications) on your body see how done in HOW DONE SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT so you will be in pain and suffering 24/7/365. You will be re-socialized to the lowest level of humanity next to animals. At their will you can be made to urinate and defecate on yourself in public and in your housing urination and defecation are not automatic body functions they must be stimulated by the parasympathetic nerve impulses – normally you have that warning that you have “to go”. Electronic weapon torture by passes this and hits the the nerve in your body that makes you do this. They make you pass a lot of stinky gas. You are always in fear you will be “downed again” and the result has to be at the least serious injury and possibly death.

Your bag is opened and all your valuables spill out including money, your id’s, your cell phone, your value added cash cards and your credit card. Your expensive life saving prescriptions. If you do not notice this not only have you lost hundred and hundreds of dollars worth of valuables let alone you may need your medication life saving medicine fast, you lost your valuable I.D.’s which will probably be stolen and your identity hijacked. You as a U.S. citizen have a full right to know what harmful technology is being used on you to the effect it is a total violation of all rights, constitutional, human, civil rights, and privacy rights and is rumination of your health, causing instant death or slow eventual very very painful death. This is murder by slow torture. You will be ruined economically, socially, and health wise. Due to these implants electronic pain is administered 24/7/365 .

The hardware for these weapons can be operated from the target’s (that is you) location via remote control. Think of an operation of the gas company that can read your meter from outside your building on the street. This is similar technology. These weapons go thur walls.

As we have heard from reliable sources, that in the near future terrorism will be within the United States borders. These terrorists will not be using conventional weapons but rather these dangerous electronic silent, untraceable, deadly weapons. Also a very deadly weapon called Active Denial Systems (DEW) use a beam of energy on you .These are directed harmful high energy will be installed in or near your living space..( SEE WEAPONS IN WEAPON’S SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT) naturally when you are not home and be accessed remotelyBexplained how these implants can be put on you. Most of these weapons are currently being used by law enforcement on innocent people who are not under arrest.

This is a transgression of our democracy. These actions are criminal, tyrannical and a threat to our lives. These people are using terrorist’s tactics which you can neither see nor hear nor trace. People hiding and using this technology should worry, as common criminals will use this same technology against them.

You can be chipped (think of your dog) without your knowledge or consent at which time you will be brutalized 24/7 /365 by these vicious weapons. (See how done in the HOW DONE section of this document)

What does this mean? Your whole body will be “shot” 24/7365 with these brutalizing weapons. All your orifices will be accessedWomen your uterus will be ripped open permanently at their will (medical term prolapsed).it will hang between your legs. This is rape. Opening a woman’s uterus against her will is rape.. The total prolapsed of your uterus entails a complete hestroectmecty they have destroyed a major body organ.

Control over your life is lost. You are re-socialized to the lowest possible level of life. Your whole life is ruined. Your health is totally destroyed Are we living in THE GULAG??????????


Total Destruction of A Human Body MONOSTORING Brutalizing electronic torture. Silent covert deadly and slow murder of a person.

Who can carry out this torture in America??????

Detached people who can sink low enough to torture and mutilate people, destroying major body organs. . It is a daily routine for them; brutality is part of their daily routine. They have become secret monsters. A split personality i.e. torturer, and family man. Practices doubling – which is mental maneuver – torture committed by alternate self. Makes them feel very important, more worthwhile, gives them power over others. They think the tortured deserve what is happening to them, they put aside laws and constitutional rights and operate like the repressive governments of the past Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Augusto Pinochet, Pol Pot to name a few. What do you suppose these vile people tell their families they do for a living????????? “ I am an imitator of a Nazi?????????????

These weapons are silent, untraceable, invisible, and most of all illegal. That is why we need to investigate these dangerous weapons that are now being used on innocent people and no one no one, no one has a right to torture your body regardless . If anyone attacked you physically they would be arrested jailed and prosecuted and that is what these people should be as they are law breakers. Where do these demented vile people get away with attacking people’s vital organs and destroying them???The effects of the electronic weapons in particular result in a reduced immune system capability which enabled the weakened body to develop predisposed disease according to the persons genetic weaknesses; in effect whatever disease a persons family has in its history which would potentially remain dormant will be able to surface and or another disease which the body has as a dormant virus can become active as the immune system is too weak to fight it off the general condition generated from repeated exposure is the reduced efficiency of the regeneration of the cells and their subsequent decreased efficiency in removing toxins during cell regeneration. Eventually cause death from failure of cells to renew so you die.

Natural pain of the body is a signal of injury, disease, or danger it is a signal to save your self from future injury or disease. With this electronic torture you are denied the right to know if you need life saving medical treatment. or this is just their brutal henious violent torture.   How heinous and evil are these people?

Normal sleep is not allowed. Sleep Depravation favorite of torturers ( SEE OVERNITE TORTURE SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT) You are only allowed to sleep a few hours at a time or some nights as you lay down the heinous torture starts right away and last for up to five hours. If you do go to sleep right away, after about 2 hours, you are awakened, there are various heinous ways they wake you.

Loud electronic noises preformed by electronic noise generators, these noises are the output of the electronic weapons being used on you. Each electronic noise performs a different kind of pain on you. (See NOISE SECTION of this document) make your limbs flay violently and lift your body off your bed put needle like pain on your face. They can somehow make your throat make a heinous noise (some kind of a noise generator) and this loud sound wakes you up and then they just start up with unrelenting pain all over your body.

Sleep depravation is a popular tactic used by torturers. Each night you are beaten with electronic weapons but some nights are more severe than others but every night you are in severe pain and denied sleep

This is done to a 71 year old woman with compromised health. Asthma, high blood pressure and possibly old age diseases such as cancer, heart disease. I have never been arrested and I do not engage in illegal activities. This is a ruthless disregard for life, you are in 24/7 /365 severe pain, and suffering!

What right has anyone to attack your vital bodily functions including glands, digestion, heart, liver, pancreas etc.????? This is first of all illegal, it is heinous, barbaric, demoralizing, brutal, perverted, and immoral. This is definitely done just as torture.



Most nights there is no sleep between these times. Recent over night torture (murder by torture)

September 15, October 15, 2007 torture going on 2 years now Every night: Severe electrocution of hanging out uterus and the genitals complete electrocution of whole body

constant out and out electrocution constant electrocution of heart

constant ball peen hammer pain on head – sure to cause brain damage throwing of tiny brown beads into ears,

throat and nose -cause burning and retching and chocking

Another telltale red mark on nose – sign of being hit with electronic weapons elbows burned so bad are one mass sore.

You are not allowed to sleep SLEEP DEPRAVATION FAVORITE OF TORTURERS bouncing of body on bed over night and bouncing of head sideways and vertical severe crushing of legs til veins break stabbing in breasts who would stab a woman in her breasts????

Electronic torture kills body cells which are unable to re-generate thus this is a slow painful death

These weapons by-pass the body’s brain commands and you can be made to urination in public and private Forced defecation in public and private. body. 

Full of electronic bullet holes a sign of electronic torture.
As you are a captive audience (in more ways than one) 99% of this torture is done overnite while you are sleeping (or trying to sleep) you live alone, you never have never never have visitors in your living space. I retire every nite 9:00 p.m. Or 10: p.m. You will always every night be in the same place necessitated by the human requirement of sleep

What other purpose would be served by putting severe torture on your body at night when you are laying prone on your bed all alone not moving these people are truly heinous torturers.

Over night torture using electro shock weapons (silent invisible and untraceable**) and beatings electro shocked x/7 causing sleep depravation (favorite of torturers) administering unrelenting and body destroying pain, and loud noises all night every night all night x/7/365.

The beatings described below is what if would feel like if you had been beaten with physical objects but you are actually being tortured with electronic weapons (see WEAPONS section of this document)Also many many many times I have been severely electrocuted causing complete weakness and the feeling of dying right on the spot.These weapons are operated by remotely accessing your living space.

Finally after you doze off after maybe 2 hours of this torture, so you need to be in your bed at least 12 hours to get a few hours of sleep a maybe 5 or 6 hours you fall sleep for awhile and once again you are awakened by one of the below fiendish torturers.. wake up (after hardly getting any sleep) and in extreme pain. Takes hours for your body to re cooperate and sometimes days.

And I have never fully re cooperated from the severe beating I received on July 8 2007 the severe electrocution of the genitals so bad I was going into shock. The tempature was 110 degrees heat index but I had to cover myself up with a wool blanket and lay on my bed praying I would not die.


OVERNIGHT BEATINGS BRUTAL GESTAPO LIKE BEATING. FOR OVER 2 years apply severe pain to your body torturer must always ratchet up the torture instilling more and more and more and more and longer and longer pain on the person.

At this point after over 400 days of this torture it has really been ratcheted up .

Electrocution where your body is bombarded with severe electrical shocks grabbing” of bed. My bed is new and in perfect shape so it is not the bed per say – but bed is “gripped” and gyrated – electronically holding your body down so pain can be administered.

Some applications of electronic weapons:
Meat hook torture in the meat hook pain and horizontal binding grab back of neck as if hung on a meat hook

lower spine and compact pain feels like whole body is caving in. Actually what this is is accessing the motor nerves located at the base of the brain. This is the crux of electronic torture. (See NERVE SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT)

Blood HAS BEEN squirted on me. Could have caused AIDS or some other fatal blood disease. Bed has some how been electrified and pillow can be “grabbed” and this imparts compactor pain . Compacts whole body in severe severe crushing pain



November 20 2007 – all night shot out right with electronic weapons – huge bomb type shots of electrocution all night and severe severe severe electrocution

of hanging out uterus and the genitals.

Http://…Done every night some other applications of electronic weapons done every night all night

electrocution of genitals,
electrocution of skull, (brain)
long nail pounded in the head
All pain is electrical but description is what it would feel like if done with physical weapon (see pain list in another part of document describing this torture)

Each night this all night torture causes sleep depravation (a favorite torture tactic by torturers and used at Guantanamo and Abu Grahib )

bouncing you up and down on your bed
poking your face with needles when you have just gotten to sleep.

This goes on ever night Now for hours and hours you cannot get back to sleep.

One of the most violent, brutal, beatings ever:
One night last summer (2006) shortly after moving in to More St. I was severely beaten on the head. My head shook involuntarily for about 4 hours and I literly bounced up and down off my pillow – could not put it down on my pillow and it would bounce back up. The pain administered was very severe.

An other severe beating took place recently skull cracking pain, severe “Spam” pain placed on body, shot on my head over ear, grabbed metal bed frame and placed severe electrical shocks all over my body, especially on lower vital organs – colon, intestines, etc. Next day I felt very severely beaten up. Took me about 3 days to get my strength back.


March 16, 2007 Ratcheted up the beatings to a more severe level severe sleep depravation. Electronically grabbed metal bed frame many many many times and administered severe electrical shocks all over metal bed frame accessing thur to your vital internal organs. This went on for hours and hours severe leg and foot cramping, intense unbearable pain in lower legs. Severely burned head. Burned skin all over my body.. Put something in nose or throat so that when you breath your nose makes a loud noise and you wake up.

March 21, 2007 – 6:27 p.m. burning in open left eye Banging banging banging very loud banging on ceiling Attack starts 6:42 p.m. electrical shocking from whole bed huge huge electrical shock to heard, head and face,

April 1, 2007 ratcheted up to even a more severe and intense pain – accessed head from under metal bed frame and administered many many electrical shocks directly to head. Accessed throat to make you cough all night. Next day throat is raw and sore. Plus additional strain you have put on your respiratory system .

April 7 and 8th 2007 Another SEVERE BEATING took place on overnight I call it the Easter Sunday Massacre Started with severely burning right side of head, which ended up with a huge “sore like bump”. Next head banging so you see stars, hot radiating pain put all over your body, put severe pain on legs, accessed heart with electrical shocks. Shot something into underpants feel severe pain sprayed some kind of noxious substance into my nose and down my throat; put a “pressure on my Adams apple so I coughed all night” Electrocuted in genitals This pain putting lasted from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Caused severe sleep depravation.

21 Hour MASSACRE: SPOOK GOES COMPLETELY INSANE WITH VIOLENT TORTURE April 11, 2007 to April 12, 2007 Overnite a 21-hour attack lasting from 4:56 p.m. April 11, 2007 until 1:00 p.m.

April 12, 2007 I call this the combo and more deadly, more silent, more heinous. First “clattering sounds apparently to put metal bed frame in electrical zone, two access bed frame and start to administer severe electrical shocks, starts shocking heart, collar bone head) now using subtle noise hammer like tapping, continues to burn ears, head, severe pain and swelling under left breast. Woke up about 3:45 .m. must have been sleeping during the rest of the night while being severely shocked most severed pain on left shoulder and across top of back. Pain did subside with taking of aspirin, but still in a lot of pain which did not clear up ‘til about 1:00 p.m

April 12, 2007 and this only cleared up about 85%. Still have really stiff neck and cannot turn head to left.April 13,2007


Goes on a rampage (must be on drugs or a mentally disturbed person or –just completely violent) Banging, shooting, grinding, up thru bed pillow on metal bed frame just going completely nuts. Putting severe severe abiding electronic shocks on the head skull splitting pain whole body and electrical shocking the heart severely11:49 P.m. (almost midnight) electronically shoots at all objects in room, desk dresser, sink, objects on desk, chair very loudly waking me up Sleep depravation favorite of tortures

April 15 2007 April 16 2007 SEVERE BEATING 1:00 a.m. Spook goes nuts again and becomes violent –huge huge huge electronic bomb dropped on the whole body as if a huge concrete block dropped on you and you cannot move. April 18 April 19 2007 overnite – spook goes completely nuts shooting, banging, puts electrical shock all over body, burns genital, skull splitting pain, with a huge huge electrical shock to head.

April 16 2007 A.M. 6:00 a.m. burning left neck,8:05 a.m. Spook goes completely nuts becomes violet loud grinding, grinding grinding7:00 a.m. pounding, dropping, banging drops another electronic bomb on me8:00 A.M. constant banging, burning of genital, grinding and banging on ceiling

April 16 2007 April 17 2007 overnigh tMore vicious and deeper pain, starlight pain and electro shocks to heart.

April 18 20071:56 p.m. Spook starts grinding, drindling, banging on walls Laundromat makes me defecate in my underpants then places huge electrical shock on left armThis Laundromat spook2:10 p.m. hall banging3:24 p.m. loud loud loud hall banging3:22 p.m. grinding and squeeking4:31 p.m. severe severe electro shocks to stomach8:13 p.m. electro shocking of heart Full electrocution of whole body8:34 p.m. after getting to sleep wakes up up with huge grinding on ceiling noise Sleep depravation favorite of torturers Out and out electrocution of left back, waist and heart

April 18 2007 April 19 2007 Severe Beating Overnight Violent attacks Spook goes on a shooting rampage, becomes violet goes completely nuts access metal bed frame electrocutes whole body and puts out the radio places skull cracking pain on head12:52 p.m. still shooting and making all kinds of noise on ceiling.

April 19 – April 20 overnight – attack starts at 7:15 p.m. complete electrical shocking of whole body, cracks skull, electro shocks heart, puts vise grip around head, more severe head burning, Skull cracking pain placed on head, severe electro shocking in stomach and hips Now goes the craziest ever – pounds decibels are as loud as a jet engine, hammers, bangs, and attacks body with electro shocks. This has to be a completely disturbed person a sadist, mentally unbalanced.9:43 p.m. severe and prolonged burning of genitals10:00 p.m. just finally falling asleep after this severe beating body bounced up and down on bed this wakes me up and I did not really get any sleep all night Electro shocking of genitals . This body bouncing went on intermittently all night

April 21 April 22 overnight new type pain ball peen hammer pain (electro shocking that feels like someone is hitting you all over your body with a ball peen hammer.12:15 a.m. Pounding, banging on ceiling electrocution of whole body ( symptoms are weakness in knees and over whole body cannot raise up off bed because you are so weak, severe pain on knees) you can tell when you have been shot with electronic weapons

April 25 2007 – April 26 2007 overnight 6:00 p.m. attack starts with electrical shocks to noises noise swit swit swit 7:00 pm. Much much much hall banging 7:13 p.m. attack starts ball peen hammer pain on heat, and on stomach, nail in back of head, electroshocking of right neck artery and then down the back, and upper back and across should blades.

April 26 2007 and April 27 20075:40 p.m. spook starts with banging chomping and hall banging 7:26 p.m. hall banding 7:35 p.m .metal bed grabbing and administers electro shocks over whole body5:41 p.m. more chomping and banging 9:00 p.m. Severe Beating Starts Head pounded, tongue burned, whole body placed in electrical shock this goes on fro hours and hours, genitals severely electro shocked, heart shocked, breasts shocked , bangs loudly on front door.

April 27 2007

April 28 2007 5:09 p.m. spook shooting West end of hall5:17 hall banging10:22p.m. huge huge huge electro shock to heart , bomb dropping, heart electro shocked many many many times, severe severe heavy electrical shooting into head, heavy heavy banging now on North east corner of room, Springing along north ceiling and wall Ratcheted up to severe electrical shocking whole body more vicious and heinous attacks with electronic weapons

Sunday April 29 9:15 a.m. a SEVERE DEADLY BEATING electrical shock put all over body I had to lie down as I was so weak and could not move. I did hear a large whooping sound of the weapon what ever it was and then just total over all weakness could not move .

May 1, May 2, 2007 overnite another SEVERE DEADLY BEATING electrical shock put on my back left side over heart. Every Wednesday when I go to the Laundromat made to defecate in my underwear, and my uterus is completely out now feces are going up into my womb. What kind of despicable, sick, demonic people are these??????? Who would order this torture and furthermore who would carry it out

.May 3 2007 May 4, 2007 Overnight –8:40 p.m. hall banging8:41 p.m. more hall banging8:46 p.m. more and louder hall banging8:55 p.m. electronic weapon shooting in hall2:36 A.M. Huge huge huge grinding grinding grinding on ceiling. Favorite of torturers – sleep depravation. May 5, 2007- 7:00 a.m. Metal banging, clanging noises, banging, banging, banging, clanging, clattering, all night and a lot of electronic shooting

Overnight May 06 May 07 2007Violet demented insane vile evil people Nazi torturers. Severe Severe Severs beating beat body all over with ball peen hammer pain put severe pain on anus, stomped (pain) on uterus and groin, stabbing of breasts, stomach, hot poker down esophagus and hot poker pain inside mouth on upper left jaw. Nail driving pain done a lot of times thur head causing severe and violent headaches. These are preformed by genetically inclined sociopaths, psychopaths, and sexual abusers, and sadomasochist people who derive their fun out of life by torturing people. Who could violently torture people like this? Unbalanced people against all societies norms, mores, and values, these people are perverts and electronic rapists. They have to be very deviant people. These people are reminiscent of Hilter, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pot Pot, Josef Mengeles (Nazi torturer and murder of millions of innocent people.) You live alone in one room, you are (trying) to sleep and you are not moving, you must be here in your room, law states you have the right of expected privacy, you are a captive here, these vile people are allowed to torture you for their (sexual?) pleasure and fun and enjoyment. These are truly demented, sociopaths. Severely beating, maiming, denying you of sleep. Denying of sleep is one of the torture tacit used at Guantanamo.

May 09 2007 Moved to new residenceMay 10, 2007 Approximately 4:00 a.m. “spooks” found me – I am not making this up I heard “glock” on my genitals. And the lip of my uterus is bent over. Approximately 10: 00.a.m. shot in the left eye by a ugly looking spook caused fuzzy vision for several days.

May 11, 2007 shooting with electronic weapons into right nostril gives you cold like symptoms, no matter how much allergy medicine you take your nose will run and run and run none stop for 3 days. This is done about every other month.CONSTANT ELECTROCUTION OF GENITALS SINCE I MOVED HERE

May 12 2007 out front of building Aldine Street – spook white 37, Irish looking 5’8” tan shorts, green shirt puts electro shock application from a conductive electrical weapon (Taser CEW) HUGE HUGE ELECTRO SHOCK IN PIT OUT STOMACH this causes stomach to swell and will not go down. Some kind of application to digestive system. –

May 11, 2007 SEVERE SEVERE SEVERE head beating. Hot poker down the throa, burn tongue. Vise lock put on left side of head causing severe pain. Starlight pain. Bed bouncing, access vocal chords to make your throat make a loud sound so this wakes you up (Sleep depravation favorite torture tactic of torturers)

May 12, 2007 Spook waits outside bedding store when I went to purchase mattress cover, (on Halsted Street) Anglosaxon male, about 60ish, white glasses, light green shirt, gray pants, 5”9”.Overnite May 15 2007

May 16 2007 SEVERE BEATING huge concrete block dropped on your whole body HUGE HUGE BOMB, had to stay in bed to recover from this beating. Suffocation come close to dying.May 18 2007 2:48 p.m. severe burning of genitals3:10 p.m. more and severe burning of genital3:15 p.m. more and more and severe burning of genitals

May 23, The most of all severe beatings took place last night huge huge huge “blow-up” electrical shock. Whole body electrocuted. Today weak, tired, every bone feels like it was broken. Stomach aches, head feels like sledgehammer is hitting it. Also a severe covertly implanted capacitor (electro shock application) was place in my stomach – always can tell leaves tell-tale sign of a wart like growth.

May 23 May 24 2007Severe electrical shock to body. Beating with ball peen hammer ,whole body shakes. Beaten on head with ball peen hammer. Severe burning of genitals, legs camped ,

May 25, 2007 Had to stay home all day in bed due to the severe beating of the night before. Takes three days to re-cooperate after a severe beating.

May 27, 2007 Blood squired on bed. May 27

May 28 2007 over night severe involuntary jerking of whole body, stabbing, punching, starlight pain, hot poker down throat long nail driven in back of the head stabbing pain in the heart, burning of genital this goes on all night. June 04 – 05 Overnite Electronically “kicked” in groin and am in extreme pain

.June 4 June 5, 2007 Overnight Severe full out electrocution to whole body. Burning of genitals, Beaten on back with sledge hammer, severe severe burning of ears, hot poker down throat, severe burning of anus, All night log severely beaten with all kinds of painSEVERE SEVERE SEVERE BEATINGJ UNE 6 2007 GENITALS BURNED FOR 20 STRAIGHT MINUTES, SEVERE DEADLY BEATING severe head burning, awakened from sound sleep at 2:30 p.m. huge huge electrocution shots in the neck, 8:07 p.m. electrocution hit all over body causing a feeling you are dying .

June 7, 2007 felled by severe shooting in stomach those tell tail VDI marks. Had to lie down and wrap my stomach in my wool blanket did help easy the pain some.

June 9, 2007 Knocked clear across the room by a huge electro shock to my right head, shoulder and back. Fell to the floor Knocked off my head phones and knocked my radio off my waist band to the floor. Caused heart pain thought I was having a heart attack.

June 11 June 12 2007 Overnight Severe beating went on over night all night ‘til 5:00 a.m. Administered severe pain to joints, funny bone, genitals and groin severely kicked and burned, at 11”55 a.m. bounced in bed and woken up (sleep depravation) then poked severely in Adams Apple, needles in face, more stomping and kicking of of groin and genitals, stabbed behind left ear, now 2:32 a.m. more and severe burning of legs, administered Starlight pain . 8:15 a.m. Severe beating of long bones, legs, arms severe severe pain in hands. At this point I can hardly stand up.

JUNE 13 2007 A.M. accessing nose thru right ear, head burning, burning of genitals, loud banging on walls.

JUNE 13 -14 2007 overnight – 11:55 p.m. awakened out of a sound sleep with bed bouncing and flaying of limbs, stabbed in Adams Apple, stomped and kicked in genitals, stabbed in left shoulder, stabbed in middle front of skull and burned, stabbing behind left ear

,JUNE 14 8:15 A.M. ball peen hammering on long bones in arms, legs, severe pain .

JUNE 14 JUNE 15 2007 overnight sometime very severe knife like stabbing in left colon many many times – this starts a cycle of severe severe severe cramping daily of the stomach, several times I was felled other times doubling over in pain. Some kind of new capacitators were installed, which “blows up your stomach so you cannot get your jeans zipped and causes untold pain.

June 14 15 overnite severe severe beating blowing up of the skull spam pain burning of genitals, and kicking in of the groin nail in the head, severe, severe, severe, severe, stomach cramping, severe , severe, stabbing in foot, so painful foot jumps up in the air. Severe burning on soles of feet,

JUNE 15 7:34 A.M. Awakened out of a sound sleep severe severe severe stabbing in right foot so severe that foot jumps up in the air. New torture tactic SEVERE BEATING “blowing up of skull” feel like your eyes will pop out and your ears will fall off. Severe severe burning soles of feel, burning of genitals. GENITALS ARE ELECROCUTED 24/7365OFTEN AND PROLAPSED UTERUS SEVERELY ELECTROCUTED

JUNE 16 A.M. bed bouncing, hammer pain in right groin,

JUNE 17 DURING DAY – Several incidents of very very very lloud banging on ceiling, SEVERE BEATING beating of skull deep deep deep pain causing a severe headache and the dumb asses knock bathroom closet door off the hinges stupid stupid idiots. More destruction of property.

JUNE 17- JUNE 18 2007 overnight Severe burning of genitals, SEVERE BEATING ball peen hammering on heart and chest, more burning of genitals, ball peen hammer of both knees caps causing severe severe pain and walking to bathroom is very very very painful, long long, long nail in the head, burning of lymph nodes.

JUNE 21 – Shot in the eye, very severely, coming out of my apartment on 7th floor, NOW SOMEONE MAKES A NOISE HUGE, HUGE HUGE noise like squealing of tires in hall toward me, who ever it was had to get back inside their apartment and banged the door really loud so I know it was someone on 7th floor and suspected spook is 703, and also has “shopping cart” camera facing my door. Also 8:52 p.m. huge huge electrocution to heartJune 22, 2007 out and out electrocution place on left back over heart. This is a common occurrence. Electrocuting you over your heart. Electrocution of left jaw. Shot with electronic weapon in open eye inside building

JUNE 23 June 24 overnight Humoungus, humounges humongues grinding, grinding grinding grinding on ceiling, marble banging putting this torture not only on me but all my elderly neighbors, shot in open eyes (done almost daily) out and out electrocution, awakened at 12:10 a.m. out of a sound sleep with electrocution of whole body.

JUNE 27 JUNE 28 2007 Overnight – Severe burning of earlobes, severe burning of genitals, ball peen hammer on top of left leg (this torture done 24/7/365), stabbing in Adams Apple (this torture done 24/7/365) stabbing in left breast (this torture done 24/7)

JUNE 21 – JUNE 22 made to defecate in underpants in laundry room, direct electrocution again in hear close to finishing me off could feel blood pressure going way down. 6:41 p.m. the most severest of all genital burning.

JUNE 23 June 24 overnight Humongous, humongous humongous grinding, grinding grinding grinding on ceiling, marble banging putting this torture not only on me but all my elderly neighbors, shot in open eyes (done almost daily) out and out electrocution, awakened at 12:10 a.m. out of a sound sleep with electrocution of whole body.

JUNE 24 JUNE 25 THIS NIGHT SEVERE SEVERE BEATING OUT AND OUT ELECTROUCTION, also body put in retro total electrical shock seems like you are going into shock, kicking and stabbing in left lymph nodes, severe and prolonged beating on funny bones,, kicking and punching in lymph nodes, stabbing and kicking in stomach cares dire severe doubling over pain, beating ball peen hamme on back, kicking and stomping in groin. This day attack lasts from 2:24 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. 12 hours of severe torture. This day banging and banging and banging in hallway. Huge huge huge grinding overhead. Sleep depravation .

JULY MASSCRE“A torturer must always ratchet up up up to more severe and long lasting torture” a torturer at Abu Ghraib. July torture ratcheted up:· Genitals seared and burned so bad body was going into shock· Bile made to come up in throat· Shot in left hip causing purple mark and huge bump on left hip.· Body full of electronic bullet holes (red VDI marks)· Bouncing you up off your bed a long stretches of time when you are trying to fall asleep· 3 weekends of the most heinous severe torture you can imagine·

Putting lateral electronic bracelets around your neck, top of legs.· Putting compacting pain (see pain section of this document)on your whole body.· Stabbing in the breast – (tell tale electronic bullet holes in your breasts) and breaking veins in right breast what heinous, vile evil demented sexual deviant demon would stab a woman in her breasts?????????????·

Causing the most severe diarrhea sweating screaming out pain.· Stabbing you so hard in your stomach and colons for days on end you are bent over in pain and cannot move· Causing the skin on the front of your skull to feel as if it is lifted off the bone and then the head is made to move vertically.· Shot in your throat so you start to retch and chock and cannot get your breath.· Dropping huge huge pain bombs on you making it feel like the building was dropped on your whole body.· Putting compacting pain on your hips and spine so you have to walk bent over· Punch you in the nose – you know how much pain you have if you hit your nose.· Put your body in some kind of retro shock so you are so weak you cannot move.·

JULY 2007 7:00 a.m. Severe 5 kicking in stomach7:35 p.m. Severes 5 inside nose burning severe 5 stabbing back of ear on skull.4:00 p.m. come home

*********** Spook approx 45, 200# 6′ and then goes over to west fence to see if my bike is parked there on bike stand. Picture blocked out.855 tan car spook

7:35 p.m. Severe inside burning of nose severe stabbing back of ear over skull9:24 p.m. vise grip on skull11:24 p.m. just about asleep. HUGE HUGE HUGE ELECTROUCTION MAKES BODY JUMP ABOUT 5 to 6 inches off bed SLEEP DEPRAVATION FAVORITE TORTURE METHOD OF TORTURERS.

J uly 02, 2007 9:52 A.M. 9:34 A.M. Severes burning of head burning in open eyes, prolonged pain on funnybone9:09 a.m. Severe 5 stabbing in colon, severe punching so hard in right colon body jumps off bed. RED TELLTALE VDI MARKS ON COLONS AND STOMACH – CLUES SIGN OF BEING TORTURED WITH ELECTRONIC WEAPONS.l0:30 p.m. Severe stabbing in buttocks. Compacting of spine into severe 5 pain could not walk upright and was in severe screaming pain had to walk stooped over because pain was so sever. Compacting of complete body on MUSCLES AND BONES Digestive system, gives severe diarrhea, bloats abdomen, base of brain is “hung” on a meat hook, uterus is one open sore on body

July 02, 2007 Severe severe5 metal taste in mouth at Starbucks had to leave could not finish coffee this taste was so severe.7:43 p.m. Ball peen hammer pain on right foot July 03 and July 04 overnight Stomping in right upper back

July 05 2007 l0:15 a.m. severe severe pain in lower back (compacted spine) screaming out pain.4:20 p.m. Vicious vicious vicious riveted up up up a torturers modus oprendi -4:20 p.m. skin is lifted of the skull, pain in legs is compacted and bounded in pain breaks capillaries and a few veins.\Knee caps severely cracked and ball peen hammered with pain, both colons compacted in severe 5 pain, severe cramps ,Eye sockets punched inback of neck pulled up on the meat hook5:30 6:00 p.m. bile comes up in the throat and this taste lasts for hours. July 05 2007 – all vital (internal organs between rib cage and top of legs “compacted” in severe pain making the bile come up again Groin severely kicked in

July 05 2007 Ratcheted up again to more severe body torture – Skin is pulled up on top of skull, back of neck feels like it is lifted up on a meat hook, eyeballs severely punched in, heart stomped and kicked in and beats wildly out of control, knee caps are severely “cracked” both colons “compacted” into severe pain, all vita organs below the rib cage and top of legs are severely “compacted and terrible terrible pain is put on the spine (screaming out pain) some bile like substance comes up into your throat causing a severe metal taste in your mouth, some kind of purple goop is place on your hands .July 05 2007 overnight a “crack shot” rings out and some kind of purple goop is shot on your left thigh.

July 05 2007 ratcheted up again to more severe body torture – skin is pulled up on top of skull, back of neck feels like it is lifted up on a meat hook, eyeballs severely punched in, heart stomped and kicked in and beats wildly out of control, knee caps are severely “cracked” both colons “compacted” into severe pain, all vital organs below the rib cage and top of legs are severely “compacted and terrible terrible pain is put on the spine (screaming out pain) some bile like substance comes up into your throat causing a severe metal taste in your mouth, some kind of purple goop is place on your hands.

July 05 2007 overnight a “crack shot” rings out and some kind of purple goop is shot on your left thigh

July 6, July 7 2007 overnight – severe severe severe severe head pain vise gripping head

Sunday July 8 wake up with severe back pain and feel lump on upper top of left hip , which eventually does dissipate but leaves ugly bruise. And now feel twitching pain in left colon all the time. Evacuation of bowels is also a spook torture.

July 9, 2007 all day Monday on toilet with severe diarrhea – this probably had something to do with the “lump” on upper hip the day before because this was actually probably put on the left colon. July 9, 2007 during the day severe severe severe burning of genitals and anus which felled me. The pain was so severe i could not walk. The hanging uterus was burned so bad i had to use a clean pair of folded up underpants as a bandage, and lie down and cover my mid section with a sheet and wool blanket although the heat index was well over 100 degrees. This occurred at 3:00 p.m. And lasted well ‘til 4:20 p..m. The uterus now is like a open wound on the body. Burning it is tantamount to throwing acid on an open wound.

July 8 2007 and July 9 2007 total electrocution of the whole body it seems it comes from the whole bed. Ratcheted and ratcheted up to more severe and vile vicious pain. New and more heinous torture huge “slamming pain on your head like a huge building is sitting on it. Your whole body is compacted into pain fell like you were hit with a ten ton truck. You can hardly function riding your bike is a great effort and you cannot get your breath. Your legs are compacted. The lump on back top left hip

overnight July 7 8 and severest most severe of all attacks on Sunday July 8 caused serious illness, unstopping, diarrhea could not breath properly and have had diarrhea all week. And severe stabbing pain in right colon Each night you are beaten with electronic weapons but some nights are more severe than others but every night you are in severe pain and denied sleep.Some examples of severe beatings taken from daily journals – (I have 25 notebooks of documentation with time digital time dates taken from phone camera)

THE SECOND MOST SEVERE BEATING (ONLY ECLIPESED BY BRUTAL SAVAGE ELECTROCUTION OF GENITALS IN JULY) One night last summer shortly after moving in to More St. I was severely beaten on the head. My head shook involuntarily for about 4 hours and I could not put it down on my pillow and it would bounce back up. The pain administered was very severe .An other severe beating took place recently skull cracking pain, severe “Spam” pain placed on body, shot on my head over ear, grabbed metal bed frame and placed severe electrical shocks all over my body, especially on lower vital organs – colon, intestines, etc. Next day I felt very severely beaten up. Took me about 3 days to get my strength back.

March 16, 2007 Last night Ratcheted up the beatings to a more severe level severe sleep depravation. Electronically grabbed metal bed frame many many many times and administered severe electrical shocks all over metal bed frame accessing thur to your vital internal organs. This went on for hours and hours severe leg and foot cramping, intense unbearable pain in lower legs. Severely burned head. Burned skin all over my body.. Put something in nose or throat so that when you breath your nose makes a loud noise and you wake up.

April 1, 2007 ratcheted up to even a more severe and intense pain – accessed head from under metal bed frame and administered many many electrical shocks directly to head. Accessed throat to make you cough all night. Next day throat is raw and sore. Plus additional strain you have put on your respiratory system .

April 7 and 8th Another severe beating took place on overnight I call it the Easter Sunday Massacre Started with severely burning right side of head, which ended up with a huge “sore like bump”. Next head banking so you see stars, hot radiating pain put all over your body, put severe pain on legs, accessed heart with electrical shocks. Shot something into underpants feel severe pain sprayed some kind of noxious substance into my nose and down my throat; put a “pressure on my Adams apple so I coughed all night” Burned genitals This pain putting lasted from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Caused severe sleep depravation.

April 11, 2007 to April 12, 2007More deadly, more silent, more heinous Overnite a 21-hour attack lasting from 4:56 p.m.

April 11, 2007 until 1:00 p.m.

April 12, 2007 I call this the combo and more deadly, more silent, more heinous. First “clattering sounds apparently to put metal bed frame in electrical zone, two access bed frame and start to administer severe electrical shocks, starts shocking heart, collar bone head) now using subtle noise hammer like tapping, continues to burn ears, head, severe pain and swelling under left breast. Woke up about 3:45 .m. must have been sleeping during the rest of the night while being severely shocked most severed pain on left shoulder and across top of back. Pain did subside with taking of aspirin, but still in a lot of pain which did not clear up ‘til about 1:00 p.m.

April 12, 2007 and this only cleared up about 85%. Still have really stiff neck and cannot turn head to left.

April 18 April 19 2007 overnite – spook goes completely nuts shooting, banging, puts electrical shock all over body, burns genital, skull splitting pain, with a huge huge electrical shock to head.

April 19 – April 20 overnite – attack starts at 7:15 p.m. complete electrical shocking of whole body, cracks skull, electro shocks heart, puts vise grip around head, more severe head burning,

April 21 April 22 overnite new type pain ball peen hammer pain (electroc shocking that feels like someone is hitting you all over your body with a ball peen hammer.

April 22 April 23 overnite Electronic attack starts 7:55 p.m. severe electro shocking on lright neck obviously trying to hurt neck artery (vital spot on body) severe electro shocking goes down back over shoulder blades April 25 April 26 overnite Severely burn throat so you can hardly swallow, Ballpeen hammer pain repedeatly hits hear, hits head, drives long nail pain into head. Clatter sound locks bed into electro shocking mode so you are shocked with electric shocks all night long. Starlight, Spam and ball peen hammer pain .

April 26 April 27 over nite Attack starts cracking skull, burns tongue, whole body is severely electrical shocked this goes on for a long time. Genitals burned. Heart electrically shocked causing severe pain. Shot at face have pock like marks on face. These people are either vicious torturers or severely impaired with hard drugs causing them to be literally out of their mind .

April 26 over nite Spook goes nuts loud grinding, hit with electronic triple whammy genitals burned, skull cracked open eyes burned, this goes on for hours, continually “shot” in the head Banging on walls, banging in hall always in conjunction with “horn blower some where outside the building in the street or near by building.

A.m. Sunday April 29 9:15 a.m. a severe severe severe electrical shock put all over body I had to lie down as I was so weak and could not move. I did hear a large whooping sound of the weapon what ever it was and then just total over all weakness could not move.

May 1, May 2, 2007 overnite another severe severe electrical shock put on my back left side over heart. Every Wednesday when I go to the Laundromat made to defecate in my underwear, and my uterus is completely out now feces are going up into my womb. What kind of despicable, sicko, demonic people are these??????? Who would order this torture and furthermore who would carry it out

Overnite May 06 May 07 2007 Violet demented insane vile evil people Nazi torturers .Severe Severe Severs beating beat body all over with ball peen hammer pain put severe pain on anus, stomped (pain) on uterus and groin, stabbing of breasts, stomach, hot poker down esophagus and hot poker pain inside mouth on upper left jaw. Nail driving pain done a lot of times thur head causing severe and violent headaches. These are preformed by genetically inclined sociopaths, psychopaths, and sexual abusers, and sadomasochist people who derive their fun out of life by torturing people. Who could violently torture people like this? Unbalanced people against all societies norms, mores, and values, these people are perverts and electronic rapists. They have to be very deviant people. These people are reminiscent of Hilter, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pot Pot, Josef Mengeles (Nazi torturer and murder of millions of innocent people.) You live alone in one room, you are (trying) to sleep and you are not moving, you must be here in your room, law states you have the right of expected privacy, you are a captive here, these vile people are allowed to torture you for their (sexual?) pleasure and fun and enjoyment. These are truly demented, sociopaths. Severely beating, maiming, denying you of sleep. Denying of sleep is one of the torture tacit used at Guantanamo.JULY 2007 VICIOUS VICIOUS TORTURE

July 01, 2007July 06 20071:37 A.M. “Shot” fired from inside bedroom closet – hits headphones, followed by loud loud, loud, loud grinding noise. Once again sleep depravation favorite of torturers Crushes spine into severe, severe 5 pain Crushes jawbone into severe severe, pain.2:08 a.m. banging 3 and snapping 4 produces severe metal taste in mouth9:47 a.m. 12th Floor laundry, out and out electrocution on right back and top off lower arm and severe vicious attacks over a period of time there.

July 07 2007 see first douc. July 08 2007 5:30 a.m. awakened with a very very very sore left hip upon examination found large purple mark on hip and large “bump” on hip near inner back11:00 a.m. severe severe 5 burning of left big toe11:10 a.m. severe 5 tightening of left rib cage3:00 p.m. I HAVE NEVER RECOVERED FROM THIS ATTACK MEANING I AM AT ALL TIME WORNOUT, HAVE TO SLEEP 12 HOURS, MY STRENGTH IS GONE. THIS I CONSIDER A FATAL ATTACK MEANING IT PUT ME IN DECLINE. I CONSIDER THIS THE 2ND LAST ULTIMATE TORTURE. OF COURSE THE FIRST WILL BE OUT AND OUT ELECTROUCTION. Severe 5 burning of the hanging out uterus and genitals. This attack felled me. I had to lie down in bed as my knees buckled. I wrapped my hanging out uterus with a bandage it was so severely burned. I covered myself with a wool blanket the heat index was over 100 degrees my body was going into shock. This attack went on until 4:00 p.m. Actually, in retrospect the burning of the genital staredt at around 11:00 a.m. but not severe.

July 09 2007 7:07 P.M. thru 7:50 p.m. burning of left ear, inside top of legs, outer top of legs, stabbing in funny bone, vein in top of right leg are broken, stomping on right TOP of foot on arch bone.

NO NOTES on JULY 10JULY 11, 2007 AGAIN Torturers must – Ratcheted up up up up more heinous yet. A thousand nails pounded in your skull. The bed if “fixed” to gyrate your body into “beating mode” at that time binding lateral pain is applied to your legs and severe and complete burning of the whole body. Shot in upper gum, sore in mouth .SEVRE AND UNRELENTING PAIN BURNING OF GENITALACTUALLY THIS IS HOW THEY ATTACK THE WHOLE INSIDE OF YOUR BODY THUR YOU OPENINGS OF GENITALS AND ANUS – THIS ADMINISTERS SEVERE AND ABIDING PAIN TO YOU OF COURSE THEY CAN ONLY DO THIS TO WOMEN WHO ARE “OPEN” IN THIS AREA OF THE BODY Terrible terrible pain is placed on your colons

July 12, 2007 10:45 a.m. severe 5 stabbing in righ shoulder blade – spook pain but where a heart attack pain occurs – vile vicious simulating to make you think you are having a heart attack

July 13, 2007 5:0 P.M. severe severe burning of hanging out uterus, severe 5 burning of left inside _?

July 14, 2007 Loud loud loud knocking and pounding 12 loud knocks on ceiling once again torturing other people.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Compress vertebrae to point of screaming pain Accessing of stomach, and complete digestive system. Left complete body bloated, and swollen and in severe severe doubling over and felling pain. Deliberately causing severe diarrhea.

Slow vibrating and bouncing your whole body up and down on your bed whole body very slowly – sleep depravation favorite torture tactic of torturers.

Barbwire pain severe severe pain over whole body feels as if body has been wrapped in barb wire.

Limbs jerk and flay To keep you awake sleep depravation favorite torture tactic of torturers

Anus severely burned and caused hemorids to expand possibly causing bowel cancer .

Electronic bombs dropped over your whole body feel like a huge concrete black has fallen on your body

Constant and prolonged burning and untold searing of genitals and the hanging out uterus.

Most severe and heinous of all torture Constant dropping of brown and white minute particles causing irreversible lung damage

Out and out electrocution repeatedly of complete body Searing pain – like burning but instead sears the body more painful than burning and can cover more of your body faster.

Heart is gripped very hard doing heart damage

Horizontal binding pain in is put around (horizontally) complete neck and head is jerked around, and your forehead is “lifted” off your skull

pain is put horizontally and around rib cage, around legs and puts cramps in legs stomach, colons and anus have been accessed and stomped and kicked with pain.

Hot poker down esophagus and hot poker pain inside mouth on upper left jaw and then later switches to left jaw.

Pain on you your whole body is compacted into pain, your spine is “crushed” your eyeballs are punched in.

Prolonged and severe burning and searing heat pain on your genitals sometimes lasting hours.

 Severe severe punching and beating in your solar plexus.

 Once I was felled by severe stomach pain.

Sharp needles on your face when falling asleep just about asleep sharp pins or needles are “dropped on your face.

Sleep depravation favorite tactic of torturers.

Shooting and burning in with weapons in open eyes. shooting electrical shocks in your open eyes and shooting some type of “beads into your open eyes

Shooting pain mainly used to access nose, throat, shot with god know what substances in your throat and nose.

Stabbing in breasts.  wHAT VILE EVIL PERSON WOULD SHOT A WOMAN IN HER BREASTS?????????????/

Stabbing in lymph nodes

Stabbing stomach

Stomping on uterus and groin

Sweat profusely so you lose body fluids and this can cause vital organ damage.

Little black barbs shot into your body, with some electronic weapon.

Into eyes, ears, up nose, mouth .

Severe burning and beating of your head all 24/7365

Reason they beat on your head. The human nervous system communicates with simple electrical impulses. The command center of your body brain (head) and spinal cord) processes information and makes decisions. The peripheral nervous system includes the sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves carry information from the body to the brain (temperature, touch, etc.). The motor nerves carry commands from the brain to the muscles to control movement. TASER technology uses similar electrical impulses to cause stimulation of the sensory and motor nerves: these nerves are located in the head. Nerve pain the severest of all human pain.

These noises go on all night every nite preventing you from getting any sleepTHESE NOISES ARE THE OUTPUT OF THE ELECTRONIC WEAPONS BEING USED ON YOU .Each ELECTRONIC noise performs a different kind of pain on you

THE MOST SEVERE Huge huge “wap wap envelopes body in crushing pain

Electro sonic noises – are they using “electro sonic weapons” on human bodies – as they do on locating dead bodies beneath water????? This noise believes me to think they are.

The worst is “grinding” this somehow bloats and accesses the orifices of your body.

L ow sounding “jack hammer noise”

Electronic motor noise – running very quietly from outside near front windows .

Electronic dropping noise similar to dropping marbles overhead PUTS YOUR BODY IN TOTAL PAIN.

Banging on ceiling over head and walls thus torturing your neighbors who are senior citizens.

Vile Electronic hammering Plop plop plop noises

Sucking noises

Woofing noises Flap flap flap – like beating the air with electronic noise


– water rushing but not above bathroom ceiling

Air noises –like would sound like if you were snapping like sheets

squealing of tires” in hall (sounds like but it is an electronic noise generator )

Noises aimed at you from the street: Perp perp perpWHA WHA High pitched noise. Squeeing Squee squee squee almost like a baby bird “cheeping

Band sawing

Ladder banging Motor misses like when a car will not start – but these are not cars in this affluent neighborhood

Shooting at you with electronic weapons which go boom

Water flushing and water rumbling from ceiling

Scrapping of furniture overhead Above noises are modified or different noise from More Street. Those noises over there would wake up the dead.. These fiendish people are not only putting torture on me but on elderly My neighbors one neighbor is 87 the other over 75. My walls are someone else’s walls, my ceiling someone else’s floor. What business do they have to torture anyone let alone senior citizens who have nothing to do with me. 

Below are the noises made at More St  (these people are the true GANGSTERS OF CHICAGO)This was allowed and sanctioned by owner who I am sure was UNDER THE THUMB (probably being blackmailed) highly influenced by law enforcement and those private security people who live there – this building was full of mental patients, and indigent people and blacks who did not know their rights and they were often tortured by blacks their own people.

Banging on the ceiling over your head which makes your head shake like jelly for hours you cannot sleep as when you put your head down on your pillow it “bounces” up

Loud electronic banging on ceiling and walls to keep you awake .

Loud stomping on ceiling

Electronic tapping on all objects in room, in fridge, in desk, in bureau.

Electronic banging in outside hall VERY LOUD ALL NIGHT AND CONSTANT

Electronic “springing noises” “Crawls” all over ceiling and walls dropping “tiny beads on you and putting pain on your body and drops minute particles of brown dust on you causing your allergies to practically kill you from a severe allergy attack could lead to deathly anaphylactic shock
Electronic drindling noise more dropping of dust particles and brown particles.

Electronic slicing noise or chomping sound.

Electronic hammering These are torture tactics to cause sleep depravation and are used at Guantanamo to torture prisoners. (As referenced on separate document enclosed)

They are retaliatory and used out of spite and revenge for some imagined slight or possibly the person attacked becomes insolent which is a normal human trait.

Being beaten for no reason as a human being you will express your displeasure at danger this is a normal human trait


Out and out huge slam with an electronic weapon Complete body goes in terrible terrible pain.

SLICING AND DICING Your body is accessed and it feels like sections are being moved and selected

Concrete A huge block of concrete is standing on you holding you down

Blowing up the body on the inside – your heart feels like it will explode and the body especially in the abdomen feels like it will explode a

and the uterus has severe ball peen hammer pain

Burning pain feels like body is burned with open flame.

Very very very painful and administer to your genitals, anus, face head, nose.

CAT-O- NINE TAILS feels like your whole body or targeted part there of is being whipped with a Cat-O-Nine Tails

Compactor pain the worst of all – your whole body is compacted in pain and the bed is gyrated and some kind of an electronic “lock” is place on you causing extreme “inside” pain.

Also compacts the bones – hips, and spine so you have to walk bent over

Electronic Bombs dropped over your whole body feel like a huge concrete black has fallen on your body

Funny bone pain used we all know what it feels like to hit your funny bone but that pain maybe last for 10 seconds this pain lasts for hours.

Knife scrapping pain feels like sharp knife is scrapping of your flesh

Long long long nail in the skull fells like a long nail has been pounded deep into your skull

Or many long nails all at once in the skull .

Retro Shock pain – your body cannot move it is too weak place in some kind of shock so your body is too weak to get up.

Riga Mortis Your body is placed into a rigor state mostly on your legs you can hardly move.

Searing pain feels like being seared with a flame used on the genitals causing severe severe torture and you are felled by this pain and have to lie down and you hope you will not die but you cannot move for quite awhile .

Sharp Needles on your face when falling asleep just about asleep sharp pins or needles are put on your face waking you up

Shooting Pain mainly used to acces nose, throat, shot with god know what substances in your throat and nose.

Skull cracking pain just what it sounds like.

Sledge hammer pain mostly used on head feels like your head is being pounded by a sledge hammer

Spam pain whole body is “blown up” you feel like you are being bound very tightly and you will explode.

Stomping feels like someone stomping on you with boot heel.

Tining Fork (Pitch Fork) Body is being stabbed with pitch fork.

Whacking pain feels like getting whacked with a 2 x 4 repeadly

Stabbing in jaw which makes you cough and retch


These deadly weapons are causing a slow painful death and severe medical problems. You are totally fatigued and cannot go on with your life.

I consider myself disabled.

You are unable to move your body at its former pace

You are under severe severe duress and stress psychologically and emotionally.

This causes adverse health effects, which could include heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of liver, suicide, high levels of the hormone cortisol, raise heart rate and increase blood pressure.

Trigger asthma attacks

severe stomach pain diaherra
immune system disorders.
Increase susceptibility to colds, infections and autoimmune diseases.

This torture could not be done without assistance of doctors These people would have to know the anatomy of the human body in order to place this pain on it and how much so it only torturers you and does not kill you.

This is reprehensible that physicians who take an oath to treat the human body are engaged in torturing and destroying it.

This system operates on your nervous system (see how this is done in HOW DONE SECTION of this document.)

These weapons can cause incurable neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS commonly called Lou Gering’s disease which attacksthe nervous system and eventually is fatal.

Due to being “shot’ 24/7365 with high energy weapons 24/7 365 for over 415 days health is ruined you have all over body weakness, lethargy, unable to function you are so worn out.24/7 for 500 days

severe beating of all bones in body. Severe damage is done to your body by these electronic devices, strain related injuries, from strong muscle contractions causing muscle tendon tearsnd or stress fractures

internal bleeding and bruising bodily fluid runs out of right ear.

bloating is also on lower rib cage on each side with fluid caused by displacement of bodily water

Body is swollen and bloated and abdomen is distended because these electronic beating cause bodily fluids to be redistributed

certainly and at the lease causing severe heart damage.

VDI (electronic bullet holes) all over breasts What vile vicious person would shoot a woman in her breasts ?????????????/Breasts swelled up ¾ their size torture applications planted all over body and can be degaussed at hospital and e installed later cause slow and painful death

Completely prolapsed uterus which now as become an open sore on the body requiring the removal of a vital body organ this removal is called a hestromecty. This injury has been confirmed by a doctor. They have managed to destroy a major body organ. Could easily cause tumors to grow.

Covertly implanted with torture applications (electro shock applications) all over body head, eyes, ears, arms, legs, feet, hands throat, heart, all over trunk of body both front and back.

 Due to this torture body is swollen and bloated.· Displaces body fluids to other parts of body causing distension of organs and serious bloating·

electromagnetic sickness.· Extreme daily fatigue resulting in havingto lay down and rest frequently·

Eye sight damaged due to being “shot” in the open eyes with high energy weapons such as radar guns, taser guns.·

Forced evacuation of bowels for a week at a time.·

getting raccoon eyes from being beaten

internal bruising and bleeding caused by this electromagnetic accessing.·

Internal bruising by being “shot” with high energy weapons also could have caused cataract on eyes,

brain damage by being “pounded” 24/7365 with high energy weapons on the head·

Knee cap cracked by being tripped by electronic weapon on March 20, 2006.·

Lowers body temperature by one degree·

Making your body involuntary jerk around. Have they caused you serious neurological permanent brain damage.·

Nail driving pain done a lot of times thru head causing severe and violent headaches.·

Nose is full of capacitators Has so many VDI marks on outside nose causing open sore on the nose.·

Nostrils severely damaged and feel like raw meet 24/7 due to being “shot” with electronic weapons 24/7.·

Veins crocked and collapsed due to some kind of electro shock application placed on it

( see WEAPONS SECTION for what RFID is) some kind of electroshock application implanted in your arm over your veins on inner arm.

· Body is covered with brown spots all over arms and top of the legs.

Caused spider veins of top right leg from having “compactor pain applied.·

Out and out electrocution with these weapons over whole body· Your body is in a retro-shock type of pain

Red VDI marks all over body. An indication of electronic weapons being used on you.

Riga mortis your body body is placed into a rigor state mostly on your legs you can hardly move.

right jaw swollen with fluid caused by bodily fluids to be re arranged because of electronic torture and causing face to be deformed.·

Severe damage done to all body orifices as these are easy to access throat, nose, ears, tongue eyes, anus and genitals·

head swollen (brain) you know as your baseball cap you wore yesterday and went around your head is too small today.

· severe dehydration 24/7 365 causing damage to vital organs.·

Minute white dust particles dropped 24/7 365 in your living space causing lung disease similar to miner’s black lung disease from breathing in tiny dust particles from coal.·

stomach is swollen up ¾ its size due to being “shot” at with DVI’s (electronic bullet holes) which administers severe severe cramping and doubling over pain.·

These weapons work on the body’s nervous system.

Nerve pain is the severest of all human pain· Uterus completely prolapsed and like a big open sore on the severe electrical shock lasting for a long time feel like “compacting of every nerve in your body.

Veins were crooked and collapsed due to severe injury sometime May 2006 (see Timeline on Ridge)

Your head is swollen up you know because the baseball cap you wore yesterday now does not fit around your head the next day


This torture manipulates body hormones, thus destroying your immune system.

This torture can cause Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

fibro myalgia

Damage caused to the body Permanent damage to nerve cells and they are rendered totally defective forever.

Damage to eye sight eventually causing blindness.

Atrophy of body’s muscles.

Decrease immune system response.

Night sweats.,

chronic fatigue down after about 7 or 8 hours of being up in the morning.

Internal bruising by being “shot” with high energy weapons

Electro Shock Applications also could have caused cataract on eyes

brain damage by being “pounded” 24/7 with high energy weapons on the head could easily cause tumors to grow.·

Lowered body tempture by one degree











FACE right side is deformed this misaglimment and swelling is either or both caused by the fall on March 20 2006, and also from electronic torture with displaces body fluids to different parts of the body

THYROID GLAND continued electronic shooting in this gland·

SKIN completely destroyed skin, covered with little brown marks all over, (these are old VDI marks)·

STERNUM. Shot at repeatedly and covered with brown spots (old VDI marks) a symptom of being shot with electronic weapons.

EARS small cut to earlobe – then earlobes burned and seared with extreme pain implants easily shot into the ears, sending electrical signals into the fluid in the inner ear – sound vibrates via bone conduction·

NOSE Shot so many times with electronic weapons (full of VDI marks) on top of nose it is causing an open sore and the skin will not heal..

ORAL & NASAL CAVITY Covertly implanted torture application placed nose or throat while sleeping and when you breath your nose makes a loud noise and wakes you up ( Sleep depravation)·

THROAT Brown particles dropped down your throat or as like today in Truman computer lab a “fly” goes down your throat.·

THORAX Contusions on thorax and brown spots – old electronic bullet holes spread all over this area.·

EYES very bad shot at everyday and nose shot at every day causing severe pain, swelling and coughing and permanent damage to eye sight eyesight is now failing .

Because of the special nature of the blood supply to the human nose and surrounding area, it is possible for retrograde infections from the nasal area to spread to the brain.

For this reason, the area from the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose, including the nose and maxilla, is known to doctors as the danger triangle of the face.·

LUNGS are being totall destroyed = Severely damaged as 24/7 365 in your living space tiny minuate particles of white dust are dropped every where this is like coal dust Will cause silicosis of lungs from which is fatal to miners who breath this in their lungs over a long period of time and I am a person, due to asthma, already has a compromised breathing system. spraying of minute dust particles all the time in living space.·
Human Digestive System· BRUTAL PAIN is placed on your digestive system, colons, stomach, full of Covertly implanted torture applcations( electro shock application) placed on right and left colons and intestines (lienum)

accessed while laying on metal bed by electronic bed grabbing and Shooting electric pain thur mattress on to these organs which are the body’s VITAL organs.

The stomach, and colons are covered with VDI red marks (electronic bullet holes) which you have been shot with being tortured with electronic weapons .

displaces your body fluids into other areas of your body thus bloating your stomach and other vital organs. You are totally kicked, stomped, punched in your stomach and colons causing severe severe pain and forced diarrhea You are made to urinate and defecate on yourself in public and in private

HUMAN SKULL (The crux of this torture)– hitting nerve cells in the head and back of the neck) Nerve pain is the severest of all human pain.· Severely severly and 24/7/365 beaten on your skull with electronic weapons for over 2 years I would be you anything this has caused brain damage

(PAIN DOCUMENT how this feels)

The human nervous system communicates with simple electrical impulses. The command center (brain and spinal cord) processes information and makes decisions. The peripheral nervous system includes the sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves carry information from the body to the brain (temperature, touch, etc.). The motor nerves carry commands from the brain to the muscles to control movement. TASER technology uses similar electrical impulses to cause stimulation of the sensory and motor nerves located in the neck and head Covertly implanted torture applications (electro shock application) placed at 3 places in your skul.

l Burned and flogged with Cat-O-Nine Tails pain, with pain of a long nail being driven into your head constantly 24/7 /365severely electronically “burned” atoccipital, parietal, frontal, styloid also /beaten until head shakes like jelly for hours if you try to lie down it bounces off your pillow/scrapped feel like someone is scraping the occipital section/implanted device.·
HUMAN RIB CAGE· Laterally bound with electronic bracelets and tightened very very tight by spooks causing you great pain and your movement from side to side is restricted. At their will they tighten these causing severe chest compression and Heart ATTACK PAIN – what about your heart?

Covertly implanted capacitor (electroshock application) placed around rib cage restricting proper movement of upper body from left to right if you try to move to far one way or the other you will get a severe binding cramp in your rib cage and cannot move you are frozen. Unlawful restraint. Also sometimes the rib cage “bracelet is accessed at their will by spooks very tightly and cause a great deal of pain.

One big swelling on the end of each rib cage caused by the displacement of bodily fluids from being tortured with electronic weapons.· .

HUMAN BACK & BUTTOCKS· Shoulder Blades on the Back of your back ie. Scapula Covertly implanted capacitor (electroshock application) “Electronic yoke put on these bones and bones are accessed and this is used like an anchor maybe to hold you in place and administer pain. You feel great pressing pain or maybe used to access your backpack .Always always shot at and now “pounding stakes” pain in your butt Covertly implanted capacitor placed Sharp pain trapezius, teres major, rhodbaid major Gluteus maximus·

NERVES IN ARM and elbows a highly accessed place Covertly implanted torture application (electroshock appliation) placed with devices on certain nerves in the arm Causes severe pain which radiates to other parts of body.

A key area to implant a device. In May 2006, veins accessed. Leaving 7547 N Ridge on a Saturday May 27 ,2006 heard loud crunching sound coming from Gui room and saw on my left arm over veins where blood is taken marks like if you put one of those hair holders over your veins. Serious pain and wound turned black and blue and yellow about a week later. Now VDI marks (electronic bullet holes) in left outside muscle and right inside muscle·

LEGS· Top of legs “crushed” veins broken and keep on breaking more and more veins daily with a conductive electroshock weapon and lateral electronic bracelets placed on top of legs and tightened to make veins break Covertly implanted torture application placed on leg. Tighten bracelets very tight making it hard to walk and causing a great deal of pain. Leg Gripping pain in top of legs and severe cramping in lower legs·

BED FRAME SEVERE TORTURE· When you are lying prone in your bed not moving this has to be done for torture only.· Remotely and electronically accessed and severe electric shock is put all over your body especially hitting vital organs below your waist. I am resting in my bed be it for an afternoon nap or thur the evening and over nite I am administered severe electrical shocks which is administered by remotely accessing the metal bed frame. . You can feel the bed being accessed very subtlety it sometimes gyrates the bed and you can actually hear the sound of “glock” locking you into pain torture mode at which time electrocution and stabbing, beating pain other types of pain. Sometimes subtlety and quietly accessed other times huge booms are administered this is when the pain starts. This pain is all over your body and even near your heart, which is really fiendish because this could be a sign of a heart attack they are trying to give you.

Each of the spinal nerves provides sensation to a predictable area of skin Sometimes total electrocution is place on your whole body. Your body becomes so weak you cannot move and lie there hoping you are not dying but you feel like you are .

Pain is administered this goes on for hours at a time every night accessing your whole body, administering starlight pain

(see PAIN types in this document)

other times searing andelectrocuting your genitals. Beating on your head putting long nails into your skull. Kicking and stomping you in the stomach and the groin and the lymph nodes.·

ELECTRONIC RAPE Uterine prolapse, or a prolapsed uteus, is a specific type of pelvic organ prolapsed that occurs when the uterus drops from its normal position in the pelvic cavity and descends into and sometimes outside the vagina in the most serious cases. Uterine prolapse is a progressive condition that gets worse over time, if not treated.

RAPE UTERUS A BODY ORGAN Prolapsed uterus around May 2006, this is a complete prolapse (confirmed by medical check up by a doctor) Seared with unrelenting pain on the hanging out uterus and the genitals Opened at will many times a day. A woman’s womb is a sacred place a place where a baby resides (a human life) I consider this opening of a woman’s uterus RAPE (no matter if electronic or otherwise) Regularly burned and accessed Now a hestrorectomey is required. These people have successfully destroyed a major body organ. Now this has become a large open wound on the body and is severely burned regularly a vaginal laceration Now a major body organ has been destroyed and has to be removed.·


BODY JOINTS KNEES,SPINE HIPS elbows, wrists, toes – shouldwe blades hand joints bones are bound (with electro shock applications) and severe severe pain Very severe pain is placed on joints Covertly implanted capacitor placed on Synvoial Joints/Hinge joints Access put severe pain on hinged joints- clavicle, hips, metacarpal, elbow bone (funny bone) accessing these bones is extremely painful. Gives you arthritis like condition where it is hard to stand up straight or to walk. We have all hit our funny bone – this is painful – but they access it to hurt for hours on end. Knee cap was cracked (confirmed by doctor) by these people and regularly accessed with severe pain·

BREASTS ( sexual organ) this is depravation by sexual predators if you could believe anyone could shoot a woman repeatedly in her breasts. But the breasts are full of VDI marks (a symptom of being shot at with electronic weapons) also veins are broken on right breasts. This is vile, heinous and evil is these people.·

HUMAN HEARTCovertly implanted torture APPLICATION (large electroshock applications placed all around the heart and electro shocked many many times made to beat fast you feel like you will have a heart attack or slow down so you feel like you will suffocate. Involuntary cardiac heart contractions could cause a massive heart attack.·

Neck The crux of this torture)– hitting nerve cells in the head and back of the neck. Nerve pain is the severest of all pain.· NERVES IN HEAD The reason the head is burned and tortured 24/7 is because the nerves that go to the body parts are located in the head. The human nervous system communicates with simple electrical impulses. The command center (brain and spinal cord) processes information and makes decisions. The peripheral nervous system includes the sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves carry information from the body to the brain (temperature, touch, etc.). The motor nerves carry commands from the brain to the muscles to control movement. TASER technology uses similar electrical impulses to cause stimulation of the sensory and motor·

GENITALS (sexual organs) Regularly electrocuted and burned the worst was on July 8, 2007 ONE OF WORST MOST BRUTAL BEATINGS EVER AND AT THAT POINT THIS BEATING DESTROYED ABOUT 95% of MY HEALTH – when the temperature index was over 100 degrees I was so severely burned I had to lie down and I thought my body was going into shock – I covered my self with a wool blanket and I was still shivering and cold, I could not move and this went on for 45 minutes.··

ANUS always accessed and tortured (SODOMIZED WITH A CONDUCATIVE ELECTRICAL WEAPON)– forced evacuation of the bowels causing severe diarrhea to the point of sweating and bending over pain and cause deliberate flauation when leaving living area or at any time.·

Human Foot & Ankle Electronic ankle bracelet placed around ankle crippling foot and cause gimping severe shooting pain always placed on both feet especially the big and little toes. Knife scraping pain placed on bottom of foot. Horrible pain placed on toes. sEVERE TORTURE PUT ON FEET EVERY NIGHT.



MURDER BY TORTURE These weapons can kill you, maim you and slowly torture you to death.

One of the symptoms of being electrocuted with electronic weapons is TOTAL BODY weakness you know you have to lie down or you will fall down in a heap. .Some of these weapons are in the guise of other articles such as flashlights,; items that looks like something used to read bar codes, you may have seen them in the supermarket by people using them to scan items on the shelf

These use radio waves that can travel thru solid objects, walls your clothing, briefcases, purses. This technology is called RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) These readers emit electromagnetic energy.

Being bombarded with these low levels of electro magnetic radiation is dangerous to your health.

These weapons are wireless, ultra sonic.These new age electronic weapons of today are extremely dangerous, unregulated, silent, and while deadly are currently being used by law enforcement to torture people.

These weapons when used for torture cause internal bleeding and bruising, tumors, cancer, boils and one symptom is red circular marks on your body.

Eventually they will cause death after they have tortured you for so long

. (See How Works in See How Works Section of this document)

These weapons work on the body’s nerves (nerve pain the most severe of all human pain) and this is why the torture is severely painful. The human nervous system communicated with simple electrical impulses. The command center of your body (the brain) and spinal cord) process information and make decisions. Taster technology (which includes many different deadly electronic weapons) uses similar electrical impulses to cause stimulation of the nervous system. Also we must know, just as regular “ball and chain weapons” are in the hands off law enforcement they are/will also be in the hands of gangs and criminals and terrorists.

These weapons control bodily functions, how easy will it be for terrorists to use these weapons not nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, and biological weapons these are much easier, unregulated as they are, silent as they are, undetected as they are. These weapons work on the body’s parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system

THE WEAPONS Surveillance:Devices Used:

Listening devices
Video recordings
spectral imaging thru heat· radiation source
Micro-recorders· micro transmitter·
micro transreceiers·
laser bounce listeners·
Sabotage interference called EMI (electromagnetic interference·
Electronic noise generators
light generator
spark gap disrupters
DIRECT High energy weapon

Most dangerous easiest to implement readily available there are no rules and regulations of these deadly dangerous weapons any one can own them including terrorists, gangs. rogue police, the neighbor that does not like you.INclude:

Modified microwave ovens deadly and harmful can do: collimate (to adjust the line of sight of an optical device). And direct up to 1200 kilowatts of microwave energy at a person. Results: kill, disable,
Causes internal bleeding and bruising
and those tell talked red marks.


Can be placed at target’s location (home) and remotely operated.

Radar guns – available on the Internet for anyone to purchased eadly dangerous harmful readily available out put 3 mega watts

portable hand held vehicles mounted long range cause: instant death brain damage

Additional high energy weapons:

taster sklystron guns ion beam (very very very dangerous and deadly)

plasma pulse gun solition bomb

Sonic Weaponry Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW)Are used to injure, incapacitate or kill humans

There are sonic bullets, sonic grenades, sonic mines, sonic cannons These weapons can break the eardrums, cause severe pain or disorientation

Please note above terms “bombs” and “guns” new more deadly, more silent, untraceable, (operative word) weapons replacing today’s “ball” and “chain” weapons.

VDI weapons (voice. data/image) most heinous and barbaric, deviant, maiming, evil, sadomasochist, to say nothing of illegal.

Microwaves (*see above)Direct contact induction method most painful and most devastating – accessing the human body with various harmful and deadly electronic devices.

One symptom is red circular marks on skin or red smeary marks.

Requires: direct contact with skin it uses capacitive skin plates

Nerves (nerve pain the worst kind of human pain) how it works.:

interpreted by nerves right below skin brain recognizes signal to send pain to:Autotonomic nervous system stimulating the nerves in your head The reason for attacking your head is because the “command center” of your body is the brain and spinal cord the directed areas of the weapons hits your brain to stimulate the nerves in your head where the nervous is located to hit the targeted areas of your body (See· Magnetic pulse induction method· Nerves in the brain have a magnetic field around them.·

This needs an induction coil this is a device implanted within ones home or surroundings.· Can be remotely operated (wireless)· Induces a low to medium flux density in and around the brain.· Cause brain neurons to misroute, slow down revert This is called electromagnetic interference· Implants· Electronic body implants:· Transmitter’s· esf generators· microneurophonic Trans receivers· tracking devices· brain recognizes signal.Common implant: bodily fluid powered circuit can transmit· Voice· high voltage pulses· emitting small tracking beacon signal.· Radiationused x-ray gun modified to bombard target with deadly and fatal x-ray radiationOn 1 March 2001, the Marine Corps announced a new non-lethal weapon, “active denial technology”. It produces enormous pain by allegedly boiling the molecules of water in the human skin without damaging the skin itself. As described in an article published in New Scientist, it employs pulsed electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of 95 GHz with a range of about 600 meters [10]. There have been several new reports in the magazine in 2005, including one published in July [11], describing volunteers taking part in tests to determine how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would be if used in real crowd-control. The ADS weapon’s beam was reported to cause pain within 2 to 3 seconds, and becomes “intolerable after less than 5 seconds”.Active denial technology is the cornerstone of the system employed to torture 2 000 persons in the privacy of their own homes, not only in the United States but around the world, wherever countries have signed Status of Forces Agreements with the United States [12]. Allegations of torture were first received from countries with which the United States has a special intelligence- sharing relationship i.e. the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Then reports began to arrive from the conquered countries where the United States still has large numbers of troops stationed, i.e. Germany and Japan. When France rejoined the military arm of NATO in the late 90s, we began to receive allegations of torture in France. Very recently we have begun to receive allegations of torture from India, where American companies have begun to outsource, not only help lines, but also programming [13].·· Causes:· Internal bleeding· internal bruising· tumors· brain disorders· mental illness· tremors· headaches· cataracts· seizures· death· many many many health problems· Also use radio active material such as· Thorum· Nitrate· plutomium oxide· uranium nitrates

SPOOK USE OF VEHICLES AS WEAPONS Just as vehicles can be used as bombs so can they be equipped with electronic weapons and shot you on the street .Sometimes You will see no one in the vehicle, however, these vehicles are equipped with electronic weapons and operated remotely.

they use:· Regular vehicles – SUV’s, Pickup Trucks, Astro type vans, Express Vans, cars· Commercial vehicles such as food delivery trucks· Taxis· (summer 2007 I was standing across the street from Truman College a tall thin man white about 70 6′ opened the cab and shot me with a Conductive Electronic Weapon – later Fall 2007 this same agent tripped me as I got off the bus at ……….. making me drop my bag and quickly moving in to pick it up and gave it to me and then he entered the spook key shop at the corner)

Federal Express Trucks· (parked corner Winona and Sheridan in strip mall or on the street)

Plain unmarked step vans and these type vehicles· City of Chicago Vehicles· Bicycles· Street sweepers· Garbage trucks· Any type City of Chicago vehicles·

Junker pickup trucks loaded with “junk” actually have surveillance equipment on lot of these

Apparently many businesses will allow use of their vehicles for these illegal purposes. These vehicles are used to shoot substances at you

.Personally Eyeballed: Dodge “tall” vans – vans equipped with “bomb like objects mounted on hand trucks” are used on you. These are some type of electronic weapons that can make you urinate and defecate on yourself. Dodge Tall Van parked on Lincoln Avenue across from Sulzer library Summer 2007 Spook white about 50 5’10 takes weapon out of back of van looks like a bomb mounted on hand truck makes me urinate in jeans in a public park –

degradition and and humiliation. They also put great pain on you. Also some vehicles are equipped with a lever under the dash or somewhere in that area that can be turned on to emit terrible pain on you.

This happened to me also from a Cadillac Escalade Summer 2007 with a yellow license plate starts with LY. Also parked across street from Sulzer Library.


It is believed that law enforcement is blurring the line between combating terrorism and what they think is conventional crime. They are doing this illegally because they can although it is breaking the law. Our government is falling into a tyrannical state.· Violation and total absence of freedoms guaranteed every American under U.S. Constitution· Violation of all International Laws i.e.

UCCR AND CAT· United States has signed and publicly upholds these laws and international treaties·

Redress due process of law·

Violation of all Constitutional Rights·Right to be secure in your living space and your possessions·Right not to be held in (electronic) bondage·

Electronic Rape AFelony

Sexual Assault·

StalkingUnlawful restraint·
Felony Battery
Criminal bodily assault·
Electronic aggravated sexual assault (electronic bullet holes in breasts and opening of uterus is rape)
Deviant criminal behavior·
Criminal bodily harm·
(Electronic) Home Invasion·
Criminal damage to property amounting so far to $ 30,000.
Violence against women·
Violence against senior citizen·
Denial of Human Rights·Illegal searches at will (many and often)Illegal cameras in bedroom·illegal cameras in bathroom·
Destruction of government property·
Illegal us of FM airways·
Destruction of freedom, health, property.
Violation of all fundamental rights and basic moral principles of society.
Inhuman and degrading·
Oppression of innocent people·
Immoral and against all mores of society

I wanted to point out how the police are spying on you. I was in a McDonalds restaurant and talking to a middle aged white male he told me he received a letter from the Chicago Police Department asking him to become “a spy” of course the word “spy was not use rather would he help them watch their fellow man and report “suspicious” behavior to the police department. Now this would be a judgment call. It is hard for law enforcement to determine suspicious behavior” how would a civilian determine suspicious behavior????? Or maybe they plain don’t’ like you and report you as a “suspicious person”. Didn’t we read in the obituary of Sadam Hussein that is what he had ask the citizens of Iraqi to do??????????? This is turning our society into a police state when ordinary citizens are asked to spy on their fellow man. Also reminiscent of Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot and other repressive governments..


SPOOK OPERATIONS ON THE STREETS AND INSIDE BUILDINGSPretend to be crazy and wear outrageous clothing talking to themselves and flaying their arms· Any kind of personal body touching.· Talk directly to you with their mouth open.· Holding a pose like an athlete or statue.· Pretending to exercises.· Turn their bodies directly to you and holding this stance· Flaying arms and legs pretend to be boxing or jump dancing.· Huge bellies sticking out underneath are hidden cameras.· Throw coins in the area you are standing or sitting in.· Shoot indelible brown goop all over your clothes. And parcels.· Use vehicles as weapons reminiscent of car bomb weapons· While walking gaiting of body and swinging arms· Walking flat footed· Carry over should vinyl book bags· Pound out aluminum cans and throw under your feet outside.· Hot footing you.. Throw firecracker like objects under your feet while walking causing holes in the soles of your shoes.· Out and out shoot you on the street (with electronic weapons) in your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and head feet anywhere on your body.· Release butterflies, or just flies to fly by you.· Sitting or standing near you in an unusual manner i.e .exposing soles of the feet or their behind or back to you any pose that does not fit their correct stance.· Popping your jewelry off of you and most of the time you will not notice it is gone- now what they are going to leave it laying there???????????No they must pick it up they must have stolen a lot of jewelry this way. One violator Debbie S and one other Regina M
(from experience I tell you this)

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF SPOOK KIND June 16, 2006 Dunkin Donuts Western and Howard around 8:00 p.m.Three Asian 20 year olds One is explaining to the other how to use his “spook machine”. Looks like a cell phone with a screen about 3 x 2. Tells him “no no this one (and point to screen ) is for the throat. Now when I go outside there they are one gets up real close facing me and says “look at me” and when I move to go on a huge pain is put on me.

July 2006 Male, black, age around 54, height 5’7” 170#, (I have seen him before and he had always appeared to be friendly) now this time says “Hi” I say “Hi” and keep walking, when I get about 20 feet from him he starts to yell about a document I had been working on quoting some lines – like dead woman walking, so I knew he had been privy to my documents prepared at Truman College

August 2006, Big tall black girl about 35, 5’9” 160# with uniform white shirt, company or organization stitched over left pocket in yellow but could not make out name says while looking directly at me” well you have been very, very busy haven’t you”? This occured at McDonalds Wilson and Sheridan Road.

Approximately Fall 2006, Female, blond, about 5’3” (my size only thinner) about 30, had been at the shelter at the behest of Valarie King, seen on 4th floor 4943 N. More St. runs toward me, I am walking in the hall, she is hiding around the corner and when she see me she sprints toward me putting a big electronic hit on me , I know because I saw that starlight flash before my eyes and felt a really big pain.

Fall of 2006 or Winter of 2007 – Leland Avenue Southside near first alley going West. Undercover cop car pulls in to alley and sees guy on bike going east just as I passed alley and the guy passed me. Me going West him going East. Cops yell in murderous tone “get off the bike” Grab guy, I keep walking west from no where appears spook ( I know this spook from a previous encounter and know which agency he works for but in this article I will not now divulge this) anyway this spook comes right up to me within inches and says to me “ did you see which way he came from? I was able to view him up close also and I noticed a “flashlight” on his belt maybe about 6 or 7” long. At the time it seemed odd for a law enforcement officer to have a flashlight this small. Later in researching electronic weapons I found out this is and electronic stun weapon of some type. Meaning the supposed criminal on the bike Later in the day I was thinking about this incident and thought this was a setup just for this one spook to get closed to me. Later viola this Spring (2007) when it was nice for people to come out of there buildings I saw the bike and the rider sitting out front on the steps of “the spook house”. This ruse had apparently been set up to either scare me or get close up to me .

Approximately Fall 2006 or Winter 2007 at Lawrence bus stop Sheridan and Lawrence. I spotted a “spook” standing outside of J. J. Peppers and gave him the finger. He turned to another spook and with his palm down and placed 3 fingers on the back of his hand. This was the signal to put 3 more 😡 heavy on my back pack. This spook about 35 kind of grubby looking, about 160#, about 5′ 8″ black hair. Other spook not quite a bad looking had better clothes about same build etc. Both white.July 2007 –“

Neighborhood” Spook White skinned Black, 50ish, 350# 6’ and looks like a spook. I know where he lives and his vehicle. One Saturday waits across the street for me to get on my bike on the bike rack at our building but it is raining so I have to take the bus and cross the street where he is standing. One Sunday he followed me around Walgreens on Halsted and Belmont last encounter shot me with an electronic weapon from near his residence. Friday, June 20, 2008 update on this spook arrested for being drunk in Niles – dog bit him August 24, 2007 saw him in the yard of my building, seems he likes to “break in” on Saturday morning, however, this Saturday I happened to be home.

Exchange of voices in mic in room:Me talking to myself out loud “I am dealing with dangerous people” Spook chuckles loudly (comes out “you bet” )Second spook verbalization over mic in room “ Spook says “C ……. come ON” comes out in a pleading and begging voice – please – do what I want you to so I can move on.

December 23, 2006 5:30 p.m. down the hall comes a voice the ghetto speaking Karowin (comes out listen up) and sends electronic spook bomb under door bomb dances to under sink and spreads out brown goop all over the whole wall. Ruined the wall with brown goop everywhere. Same voice as mentioned above as the chuckler .The walls in the apartment are plaster and this is very expensive to fix – probably cost $2,000.00 to repair.

One spook at various times stands outside my residence and yells at the top of his lungs for 10 to 15 minutes (has the most powerful voice) my name but speaks ghetto “Karowin” or Karowin let’s go. Just yelling, and yelling but since I am not accountable to him I ignore this. Besides this is low life stuff. I don’t know or wish to know anyone of this ilk.

This summer (2007) in park a spook puts down on the sidewalk a Monarch butterfly and soon the butterfly flies toward meAbove are personal encounters (close encounters), with spooks. However, the people torturing me 24/7 for over a year are groups of highly organized professions and number probably in the thousands. These are immoral people and certainly are no way professional. In fact these are criminal actions and these people need to be exposed for what they are, prosecuted and punished .

Property Damage Caused by these people – Property Destruction is a CRIME7547 N. Ridge Blvd. Damages amount to at least $7,000.00Computer sprayed with liquid $3,000.Digital Camera sprayed with liquid $1,000.Clothes made wet by spraying something on them hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of clothes. All had to be laundered and THEN these mf’ers sprayed them again and again. Expensive Electronic Air Cleaner costing $500. and only one year old wired to front door to burn out motor Ray Ban prescription sunglasses ruined beyond being wearable $300.Bike Tires flattened Bike frame damaged with brown goop and re-adjusted some parts on it.Many many many other items ruined and had to thrown out about $3,000.Expensive make up and vitamins $500.00 had to be thrown out.All my electronic equipment was ruined my PDA, digital camera, computer, printer, back up drives, routers, over $5,000. worth of equipment which now that I am not working I cannot afford to replace. You cannot get electronic equipment wet if you do it ruined. Property Damage 4943 N. Kenmore On December 23, 2006 a spook speaking with ghetto English comes by door and says”OK Carolyn” and in drops the huge “black bug” i.e. a spook marker “bug fliesOver sink” putting brown goop all over wall. Cost of repair to this wall I would Say at least $1,000.855 W. Aldine Chicago, Il. Property damage $5,000. All doors sprayed with brown goop and would have to be refinished. Walls all nicked up with marks. Floor sprayed with brown goop. Closet door in bathroom knocked off hinges, Personal furniture sprayed with some kind of substance that dries like clear glue. Bent hood on brand new gas stove and put a big scratch on the enamel hood. Damaged Public library books. THIS IS GOVERNMENT PROPERTYEND END END OF PROPERTY DAMAGE

PLACES I HAVE LIVED AND THAT THEY HAVE DONE THIS TORTURE AND PROPERTY RUNIATION PLACES: May 1999 to June 17, 2006 June 24, 2007 August 30 20067547 N. Ridge Blvd Peoples Church Chicago Il 60640 1124 W. Wilson Basement Chicago, Il 60640Owner: Janet Olson Tenant R E S TAddress: 3241 Sprucewood Ln Wilmette Il 60091June 24 2006 May 9 2007 August 30, 2006 May 09, 2007R E S T Northmere941 W Lawrence 4943 N. Kenmore Chicago Il 60640 Chicago, Il 60640May 2006 June 17, 2006 – 7547 N. Ridge Blvd. Chicago Il 60640: Owner Janet Olson; Address 3241 Spruce Wood Lane, Wilmette, IL June 2006 – Augusut 2006 1124 W Wilson, Basement Peoples Church; involved Debbie Smith, Regina Malone, at least ,June 2006- May 2007 R E S T; 941 W. Lawrence, Chicago IL August 2006 May 2007 4943 N Kenmore Chicago Il owner Ken – this is where the most violent and brutal beatings went on every nite all nite. Severely beaten and tortured .May 2007 to Present 855 W. Aldine Chicago Il. 60657

BELOW IS PART OF A DOCUMENT CALLED TIMELINE ON RIDGE (This is documented can be backed up from written records I kept dated by computer data base online) This building (actually an old mansion owned since 1950’s by Janet Olson and her family) was converted into an SRO building. The building was divided up into one room occupancy. All other areas were general areas – bathrooms, eating facilities,. Any tenant could be in any of these areas any time. When I first moved there in 199 9 these areas were always respected by the tenants and only used for their intended purposes The building was always quite at night.– However, around first of year 2006 strange things were going on you could hear people lurking in these areas as soon as you would start for one of these areas the door would closes and then when you did get back in your room the door would open. This indicated to you people were in these areas “spying” or they were people who did not live in the building. Loud radio playing could be heard at 1:00 a.m. in the bathrooms. Janet had strict rules and never never allowed any of this stuff. No food was ever missing for the fridge back then, then food started to disappear then locks were put on doors of fridge, then the freezers were being packed with food and people living on t hat floor said the food did not belong to them. Apparently at this time people were in the building who did not live there and possibly illegal activates were being done at that time.DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS I AM ONLY PRINITING OUT PART OF THIS DOCUMENT WHICH BEGANS WHEN I WAS ELECTRONICALLY TRIPPED AND SERIOUSLY INJURED IN EVANSTON AND I CONSIDER MYSELF LUCKY I WAS NOT KILLED.

THIS IS THE DAY THE TERROR STARTED MARCH 20, 2006 – fell and had a very bad accident in Evanston, caused by the spooks******* electronically tripping me. This was made to look like an accident by them. I cracked my head, had a black eye, and had to have 5 stitches in my lip and a chip was implanted in my lip which was later used to piggyback a surveillance chi on me., I Cracked my left kneecap. I looked like I had been in a fight and lost. My live was irretrievably changed forever that day. A real nightmare ensued following this and is still going on 500 days later.******050307 Information found on Internet proof that this is how I fell Internet text below (italized) Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI)Published:3/12/2007 The human nervous system communicates with simple electrical impulses. The command center (brain and spinal cord) processes information and makes decisions. The peripheral nervous system includes the sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves carry information from the body to the brain (temperature, touch, etc.). The motor nerves carry commands from the brain to the muscles to control movement. TASER technology uses similar electrical impulses to cause stimulation of the sensory and motor nerves. Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI) occurs when a device is able to cause involuntary stimulation of both the sensory nerves and the motor nerves. It is not dependent on pain and is effective on subjects with a high level of pain tolerance. Previous generations of stun guns could primarily affect the sensory nerves only, resulting in pain compliance. A subject with a very high tolerance to pain (e.g., a drug abuser, or a trained, focused fighter) might be able to fight through the pain of traditional stun gun. Watch video demonstration of the difference between stun gun pain compliance and TASER NMI. Watch Video COMMON EFFECTS OF NMI The use of TASER technology causes incapacitation and strong muscle contractions making secondary injuries a possibility. These potential injuries include but are not limited to: cuts, bruises, impact injuries, and abrasions caused by falling, and strain-related injuries from strong muscle contractions such as muscle or tendon tears, or stress fractures. These injuries are secondary in nature and not directly attributable to the electric output of the TASER device, but are possible consequences of the strong muscle contractions the TASER device induces to produce incapacitation. Some of the effects may include:· Subject can fall immediately to the ground and be unable to catch him/herself. PROOF OF MARCH 20 2006 ACCIDENT IN EVANSTON Above is reason I fell – and I always said from day one “the spooks tripped me”CarolineReference at may have now been taken down) but do Google search on NMI weapons Subjects located in the water may drown if their ability to move is restricted. · Subject may yell or scream. · Involuntary strong muscle contractions.· Subject may freeze in place with legs locked. Subject may feel dazed for several seconds/minutes. · Potential vertigo. · Temporary tingling sensation. May experience critical stress amnesia (may not remember any pain). Discover more about NMI scientific principles. Learn More Last Updated: 5/2/2007 9:27 PMEND OF WEB PAGE RETURNING TO REGULAR DOCUMENT BELOW2006 sometime between March 20 2006 *when I feel down and mid April Janet (owner of the building) started act different. For instance if you complained about anyone’s bad behavior in building she would say, “why don’t you call the police” where as before she would talk to them and warn them. She just had such a changed attitude and a very bad one. These “new” people had something on her. Jan needed her rents as she had to pay her mortgage also she would always be in denial she had made a mistake renting to someone April 1, 2006 *approximately a sensor and a camera (that is why Jan had to know about these things she would be able to see this with her own eyes) was placed outside of my room near the door and when I activated it (stepped in this direction) (did not get it at first) someone from down the hall (west) would come down the hall to see if I was coming out of my room or I thought who was going in the garbage can as the garbage can was also close to this. Only people living west down the hall were “Lucky Star” (his REAL name according to his rental application) say what! and Jerry Cole and I did not think it was Jerry Cole. Why did Lucky need to know who was going in this area? (A rhetorical question) Or a possible answer – maybe something was left in the garbage for him. APRIL 2006 not sure exactly but sometime around here I had my computer pretty well protected with a router (but may have left default (admin) password on it which would be easy to “hack” but I had Norton, and 2 or 3 other software’s to remove “junk” – viruses/malware etc. on my computer but I noticed around this time when I ran these programs it told me I had around 2,500 files I needed to remove. I would remove these everyday but they would be back the next day. At this point I was pretty sure someone else was also using my computer remotely. Being a seasoned computer person I knew this could be bad news and someone had apparently “hacked “ into my compute. With this torture going on I could not take care of this problem. Torture has no past nor future torture is. April 14, 2006 Spooks shooting in side yard they lived in condo 3rd from end north side of their building next building south of ours. next to burned down condo on the Westside of it (aside) Also spooks lived in the first building north of us (last building on Howard before crossing to Evanston side. Going north) our building could be remotely accessed from both of these buildings April 24 2006 Plummer fixes sink leaking since approximately January 2006. He muses how could the pipe have come undone? I have a theory – the spooks loosened it to access liquids coming out. Plumbing bill to Jan approximately $400.00.April 29, 2006 *condo to south across from me (approx address7539 N Ridge Chicago) burns down old man owns but has “border” aka possible spook and why was this condo across from my window burned down????????????? The Chicago Tribune was out to cover the story April 2006 *after Gui and Brian and several other people followed me around the building when every I picked up the trash, I told Jan I hurt my knee (which I did) and could not do it anymore. These were very scary threatening people and why were they following me? A 69-year-old woman who weights a little over a 100 pounds being followed around by very big strong young men with ripped muscles. I considered this a very serious threat to my personal safety. 30 and 40 some things with ripped muscles following an old lady weighing 115#. This was very scary to me and I considered myself to be in harms way. April or May 2006 I think early in May, I was probably in REM sleep I felt my body being lifted about 6” off my bed I think in retrospect, at this time some kind of abase or starter capacitator was place on me and then additional piggyback capacitators have been added. This someone could have connected with the chip sown in my lip on March 20, 2007.End of April (approximately) Connor comes down to Lucky Starr’s room (it was on a Sunday) and speaks in code to Lucky Starr so these two did know each other.NOW STARTS DAYS OF INFAMYMay 08 2006 *– Got up this day and found some kind of wet substance sprayed under my door. I also put painters tape around the edges of the door at night and a towel under the bottom as I have asthma really bad and all kinds of dust and dirt came in from the hall and my room was in the basement of a very old building. Also I always put my shopping cart under the handle of the door. I felt safer doing this because if someone tried to break in it would be a little harder and hopefully wake me up. The neighborhood was infested with gangs and drug dealers and not really a safe place to live. There had already been a major drug bust on the next street. I tried to take every precaution I could. Thought maybe there had been a flood in the hall. Later in the week -Saturday I came home and a big big puddle of clear milky liquid was sprayed all over my computer desk and floor and the tower of the computer and the monitor, the router for the computer the back up drive. Ruining about $6,000. Of electronic equipment. Also this same milky liquid was sprayed all over the open Pinnacle Hutch type cabinet, and all that was on it. All over the floor, all over all my clothes, on my $1,, which happened to be on the hutch. This spraying went on day after day until I moved out this ruined thousand and thousands of household items. On my last day there (I had not been there the night before) when I came home around 9:00 A.M. I had a few more things to put in storage one of them being my $500.00 Oreck air cleaner. I could not shut the front door all the way and finally when I pressed and slammed it very hard the motor of my Oreck started to “smoke” actually you smelled burning and the air cleaner kind of stopped but I started it up again they had somehow wired it to the door entrance so the door would not close.and the motor on the air cleaner would burn out. I have not used it since. It did turn back on but I don’t know if it will work properly. Also I found out they were using my DSL line to use some kind of an alarm system on my door. When I disconnected the line (just to test my theory) sure enough the alarm stopped.MAY 08 2006 (APPROXIMATELY) *Clear liquid was sprayed daily on: (until I moved out June 17, 2006).· Computer· Computer table· Digital camera· Router· And much more electronic equipment· On all cupboard shelves· All over floors· All over food· All over thousands and thousands dollars worth of clothes .· All over bed Wait aren’t these crimes: Home Invasion Destruction of property Stealing of Services These people apparently are lawless. When I was in the shelter I spoke with several other girls that went thru similar experiences. I do have some proof of things like this. May 2006 I am keeping in touch with these girls. Some time around Mid-May as I was leaving the building via the front door on Ridge on the front steps a huge noise came from the second floor – Gui Canore window – I heard a huge crunching sound and later I noticed huge marks across my left arm when blood is normally drawn and marks appeared like if you took one of those hair barrettes that hold hair back with the teeth on them. This was very very painful. Later this turned an ugly black blue and yellow. I have a picture of this wound. Web searching on this produced this: a person gets a radio tag (RFID Radio Frequency Identification) implanted in an arm these tags are passive meaning they can send a signal they are what we call in computer lingo read only. When accessed by “the reader” (the torturers) then access your body to apply torture.MAY 2006 * around the first – this sounds like when things started getting“ strange” between Jan and I. Sometime after this I told Jan about this mess – the spraying and the stickiness of floor. Jan gets real real stressed out. Says it is my fault I caused this mess, says I am a poor housekeeper. Jan knew better as I always did extra things for Jan like shoveled snow, cleaned yard when Jan was sick, picked up any trash I saw lying around, cleaned kitchen and hall and bicycle room floors. Took sweeper to sweep down rugs on stairs if someone spilled some thing. Cleaned up showers and toilets. Changed out rugs if some messed them up. Put out new cleaning rags if someone swiped the ones out there. I went out of my way to do extra cleaning at no remuneration to me nor did I expect any. May 2006 *Jan denies sticky stuff. Blames me and once again says I am a poor house keeper but when you would tell her about it would stop for several days and start up again so you knew she was lying about not knowing about it. She did know about it .May 12, 2006 *Jan real real real stressed big hit on e-mail just goes off on me. Total lying of Jan. This is the breakdown between the two of us. She just went nuts about this one complaint because if anyone complained to Jan about anything she would tell you to move.MAY 12 2006 MY E MAIL TO JAN IN REPLY TO HERS THIS IS WHEN JAN GOES OFF ON ME DENYS ANYTHING STICKY – SHE WAS JUST IN TOTAL TOTAL DENIAL – I DID NOT EVEN TELL HER HOW BAD IT REALLY REALLY WAS I ONLY TOLD HER 1/10 th OF IT. BECAUSE I KNEW SHE WOULD DENY IT – SO YOU SEE HOW REALLY REALLY BAD THIS SITUATION WAS BETWEEN US. I DID NOT MAKE IT UP AND ONLY TOLD HER 1/10 OF WHAT WAS GOING ON IN HER BUILDING. CAN SEE SHE JUST WENT NUTS. (READ JAN WROTE FIRST THEN MY REPLY)HiOk but I do want a written report on this condition. I have saved the papers that have this stuff on them and will try to submit it to a lab for testing.Jan you know I have told you before you are one of the nicest people I have met and I do not want a fall out over this issue. Once I move I will tell you about the instances with some of the people living here. Right now it is not a good idea .Hope you have a nice holiday. You are sweet to entertain the kids.Caroline wrote: (read this part up)I will repeat this for the LAST time: There is nothing wrong with the building. And as I have said to you before, I provide the room, and it’s up to the tenant to keep it reasonably neat and clean. Sticky is housekeeping. In order to have something sticky, you have to have wetness. There are no water marks, no water in the walls, ceiling, or floor. There is no water in the alarm system either. Walls are dry. Ceiling is dry. Floor is dry. Plaster and wood is dry. That room has been rented since 1950 and has never had one problem, sticky or otherwise. I have not seen a problem in that room, even when you had me go in there Yesterday, today, and maybe tomorrow may be sticky just because we have 90% humidity, and as you know, I don’t control the weather. Moving is your best option because the room no longer meets your needs. You are probably ready for a change for your mental health anyway because you don’t like the people you are living with and you don’t like the building and you don’t like the neighborhood. Maybe Schaumburg would be nice for you. Standard policy: Give me 2 weeks notice and your security deposit will be refunded when the keys are turned in. I WILL NOT DISCUSS STICKY anymore so just find a place that is not sticky that works for you. If all your stuff is completely damaged, submit a claim on your renter’s insurance.will have no problem renting your room and I’m fine with that. (END OF JAN EMAIL)May 2006* way after Brian Saperstein moved out of the building I rang the phone number he gave me and it rang upstairs to Charles Connor (mfsob). I lived right under him and could here it ringing up there so I hung up.June 5, 2006 (approximately) Jan gives me the 5-day notice saying she had to re-hab my room. But I know from past conversations with Jan she would just tell people this when she wanted to get them out Jan agreed to a comprise she said she would let me stay until approximatelyJune 27, but I moved out on June 17, as this was a room of horrors just like my room on More Street was.June 12 2006 had to get all my stuff to the storage unit. One spook over there (and have seen him since on Leland (re: Sunday bike grabbing and pretending to “look for dope near me”) short, white about 35, black small car about 5”7 at most thin weight around 150# or less. Wears more business type clothes.) and about a 7” flashlight on his belt (which later research found is an electronic weapon) A later encounter with this spook will be detailed in “Spooks of the Third Kind”.******Garage Man – Jan rented the garage to a guy driving pickup (GM) green. He had rented this space ever since I lived there who even though Jan told him not too he and his helpers thru trash all the time in our garbage cans. I even mentioned this to Jan several times but he kept doing it. I did not think it was my place to say anything to him. This went on all the time I lived there. JUNE 17, 2006 Jan meets me in my room gives me back my security check throws me out on the street without:FoodShelterOr ClothingThe only thing I had were the clothes on back and my bike and one change of clothing, my radio.I lived on the street for one week before running into a tenant from Short Street who advised me how to get into a homeless shelter. I had to wait 45 hours for them to pick me up.Names in document:Jan/Land lady and sole owner of the building Tenants living in building mentioned in this document (this would be in the complete document which is not shown on these pages) :Lucky Starr (say what?) Suspected dope user and spook .Eddie Died in nursing homeRosemary (went to nursing home)Alex LauJerry ColeJames Vanderflute (died in room)Gui Canore SpookCharles “Chris” Connor SpookShomay (Last name)Stephanie Moody AND NO relation to me and suspected spookShe is black and I am white Eudardo (first name)Wilder (last name) Head Spook “Fed X Jacket” Say What?????///Michelle (first name)Brian Saperstein Spook helper & admitted dope user Personally told me he used drugs; and stalker, every time I would go in and out of the building this guy would follow me. At first I didn’t get it because I said to him “gee we have got to stop meeting with way” Then it dawns on me when I come home he somehow appears and follows me in. When I leave he appears and follows me out. Hindsight is 20/20 or in retrospect I know I was under surveillance way before my accident March 20 2006 when they chipped me. They were using electronic weapons 1. I would feel on my body like a mosquito bite this is a sign of an electronic weapon being used on you. 2. Severe “tickle” in my throat this is actually electronic shooting down the throat. Electronically pulling out of your shirttails and electronically pulling loose your jeans or shorts and underpants at the waist to lower them 3 or 4 inches. Things fall out of your hands. They can move solid objects. Making your packages “heavy”. Busting open my grocery bags. Uncapping my items purchased at grocery on the way home. Spilling soap and chemical items all over food.Crimes committed in this building· Electronic Rape· Torture· Stalking· Cameras in bathroom and bedrooms.· Felony Battery· Destruction of property· Unlawful restraint· Breaking and entering· Violation of Constitutional Rights, Human Rights Civil Right sEND END END OF TIMELINE ON RIDGE

RECENT ABOUT ME (2004- 2007)Due to a change in management I was forced to retire for good from working in 2004 at age 68 at this point I was trying to re -socialize myself into my current and new life status (retired) appropriate behavior and trying to fit into society in new manner. Trying to replace my old role with new roles. I thought I wanted (at least for a while) to relax and do the things I liked but did not have time to do when I was working and some days 14 hours.Prior to this, and In order to prepare for my new status (retired) I had gone to college for about 10 semesters, covering from 1993 to 1998 and again in the Fall semester 2004 to learn current technical skills in computers. This education covered many software’s including Microsoft Office, Visual Basic Computer programming, COBOL computer programming, DBMS such as FoxPro, Access (included in Microsoft Office) Excel (included in Microsoft Office) all operating systems of Windows based computers, Photoshop, Digital Photography and many others .Also thinking after I retired I would probably only live another 5 years I tried to gear up for things I needed and could afford while I was working but not after I retired. These included some up to date cloths, a couple of computers (laptop and desktop) and peripherals for same including printer, external backup drive, router, internet connection and many other software’s i.e. Photoshop, other picture software’s, etc. and a digital camera. All this equipment came to a cost of at least $5,000.00 at the lowest. This is just going from memory may have forgotten some stuff. I was living cheaply. Paying only $100.00 per week for my living space, which was very nice and served my purposes well. I figured I was saving at least $100.00 per month by renting cheaply. Also I rode my bike everywhere thus saving $80.00 per month the cost of a bus pass. Thus saving almost $6,200.00 per year, which I could spend on other things. So now I am retired and thought how nice it would be to visit all those museums, and places I had not had time to do when working and ride my bike doing so. Also taking pictures with my digital camera and selling some pictures on the Internet.For 2 summers in a row I had a great time visiting the lakefront, different parks, Buckingham Fountain, Art Institute, Field Museum, and Adler Planetarium. Places up in Evanston along the lakefront, and just riding around sight seeing taking pictures all along the way .Now around the beginning of 2006 strange things started to happen. “Strange people” followed me all around my building. On March 20, 2006, I fell down in Evanston. Had to have 5 stitches in my lip, hit my head (had scan and no serious injuries to head) eye blackened when glasses hit eye on falling. Kneecap was cracked .Research on the Internet found this is how this “accident” happened: ******050307 Information found on Internet proof that this is how it happened: Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI) NeuromuscularIncapacitation (NMI) Published: 3/12/2007 the human nervous system communicates with simpleElectrical impulses. The command center (brain and spinal cord) processes information and makes decisions. The peripheral nervous system includes the sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves carry information from the body tosThe brain (temperature, touch, etc.). The motor nerves carry commands from the brain to the muscles to control movement. TASER technology uses similar electrical impulses to cause stimulation of the sensory and motor nerves. Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI) occurs when a device is able to cause involuntary stimulation of both the sensory nerves and the motor nerves. It is not dependent on pain and is effective on subjects with a high level of pain tolerance. Previous generations of stun guns could primarily affect the sensory nerves only, resulting in pain compliance. A subject with a very high tolerance to pain (e.g., a drug abuser, or a trained, focused fighter) might be able to fight through the pain of a traditional stun gun Watch video demonstration of the difference between stun gun pain compliance and TASER NMI. Watch Video COMMON EFFECTS OF NMI The use of TASER technology causes incapacitation and strong muscle contractions making secondary injuries a possibility. These potential injuries include but are not limited to: cuts, bruises, impact injuries, and abrasions caused by falling, and strain-related injuries from strong muscle contractions such as muscle or tendon tears, or stress fractures. These injuries are secondary in nature and not directly attributable to the electric output of the TASERdevice, but are possible consequences of the strong muscle contractions the TASER deviceinduces to produce incapacitation. Some of the effects may include:· Subject can fall immediately to the ground and be unable to catch him/herself. THE ABOVE EFFECT IS THE REASON Caroline Reference at REASON IS PROOF OF MARCH 20 2006 ACCIDENT IN EVANSTON ·Subjects located in the water may drown if their ability to move is restricted. · Subject may yell or scream. ·Involuntary strong muscle contractions. · Subject may freeze in place with legs locked. · Subject may feel dazed for several seconds/minutes. · Potential vertigo. · Temporary tingling sensation. · May experience critical stress amnesia (may not remember any pain). Discover more about NMI scientific principles More Last Updated: 5/2/2007 9:27 PM END OF WEB PAGE.After this my life was irretrievable changed. At this point I felt I was “chipped” when my lip was sewed up from my accident.A car was always waiting for me when I left my building, some tenants Gui, Brian, Wilder, Connor, followd my all around and I really felt my physical safety in danger. As I am a 70 year old lady and weigh a little over a 100#.A sensor was put on my door, and a camera installed over it across the hall. my room was completely ruined. All my clothes ruined, my computer ruined, my digital camera ruined. The room and everything in it, when I went out was sprayed very thickly with a white milky substance. I would come home clean it up and it still left the floor sticky. I spend hundreds of dollars to clean my clothes. My computer was completely ruined. I am an experienced computer person and ran my life on my computer, paying bills, accessing my bank account, reading my email, using Word and other Microsoft applications to do work on stuff I needed. I defaulted on all my accounts unable to access these accounts to pay bills, I have defaulted on my life insurance now I have no coverage and at 70 could die any day and will have to be buried in a paupers grave as I have no access to my insurance information and could not send in payments. I had an A-1 credit rating and now since I was unable to access my accounts I have to file bankruptcy. But the worst worst nightmare (and still going on) I was accessed with some thing that put severe severe pain on your body making you very weak and listless. I used to ride my bike for miles maybe 50 per day. I was in good physical shape. After one year of being beaten with these electronic weapons 24/7 these severe beatings have wrecked my health causing me to become severely fatigued, drowsy, sleepless, and heavily perspire. and I think this is irreversibly damaged ruined my eyesight. My uterus has completely collapsed from being constantly opened by these evil monsters my strength is gone. I am weak and tired and can hardly function Physical movement and activity is limited as spooks put “5 times heavy on your belongings. My back pack weights about 5 pounds but with the spook heavy weight 25# also this goes for any bags or packages you are carrying. I lived in this building for seven years and was always very very good friends with the owner. I knew from past experience the owner did not like anyone complaining so I said nothing about the spraying and the ruination of all my property. But I lost patience and did report it to her around the middle of May .I knew it would happen (as it had happened in the past to other tenants) she told me to move and gave me the 5 day notice.I had to put all my stuff in storage and had to throw out about half of my belongings (all good stuff, my refrigerator, one of my bicycles. Many many possessions I had like about $100.00 worth of vitamins, about $400.00 worth of makeup most of my bed clothing, my computer monitor, a lot of good clothes, little things that add up to a whole lot of money as they would not fit in my storage locker. . As I would go out to the trash to throw my stuff out the “spooks” would mock me and clap laughing uproarisly. They had hooked my Oreck air cleaner to the font door to blow out the motor. This machine cost me $500.00 as I have asthma and needed to keep the air clean. The motor did smell like burning but I think it is ok.I left my housing on June 17, 2006 and was living on the street until a friend of mine showed my how to get into a homeless shelter. They did find me housing but it is under their control .END END END OF RECENT ABOUT ME


Nerves (nerve pain the worst kind of human pain) how it works. Interpreted by nerves right below skinbrain recognizes signal to send pain to:Autotonomic nervous system stimulating the nerves in your head The reason for attacking your head is because the “command center” of your body is the brain and spinal cord the directed areas of the weapons hits your brain to stimulate the nerves in your head where the nervous is located to hit the targeted areas of your body (

See12 HOW ARE YOU TARGETED???????????

HOW CAN YOU BECOME A VICTIM????????/Various ways – Covert implants are easily applied if you have had any kind of dental work, cuts that were stitched up (this is how I was targeted) any kind of surgery, Your body is very easily accessed thur your body orifices eyes nose, throat, ears, mouth, genitals anus all lead to the inside of your body. .Also beware if a “friend” invites you over do not accept food from them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IF WE DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY WE ARE BOUND TO REPEAT IT What happened to people when totalitarian and repressive governments were allowed to take over the legitimate government?


 Many, many years of research show:

1 They subscribed to the “Follow orders” command even though their actions were crimes of the worst sort.

2 They became entangled, detoxified. They justified their actions because they became adherent to these methods put in place by their superiors.

3. They became adherent to torturing people and felt good about it We see in the governments of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the Khmer Rouge, Idi Amin, Augusto Pinochet, what happened to people who lived under repressive governments where the police were allowed to operate in secret?

This leads to murder of ordinary citizens loss of a free government. Eventually these countries fell into decline. All freedoms were lost by these people and some of these countries have never regained their freedom some have but of a great loss of life.

According to a recent article in The New York Times the U.S. military is presently dealing directly with the local and state law enforcement. This is not allowed by our current laws. These cases are supposed to go thru the FBI, so right now a very very dangerous precedent is being followed. This is making it extremely easy – – – past history shows governments being taken over by the secret police and the military.

History shows it took the Nazi Rouge Regime 12 years to perfect the deadly design of the Holocaust. A military take over or foreign take over (terrorists) would disband Congress, censor the press, and with these High Energy Weapons (Tasers etc) put people in brutal human bondage.


Red VDI marks all over body these are electronic bullet holes and are proof of being tortured with electronic weapons.Their use of access is used on wireless on public networks can be traced.Clear sticky jell used on surfaces walls, countertops inside refrigerator consider the following poison since I do not know what they areClear substance sprayed on all food Clear substance sprayed on me “Clear” sticky glue like substances sprayed on me sprayed on surfaces, countertops, floor, and walls Brown goop Brown pieces dropped on stove, floor Brown pieces dropped down throat Gum wrapper (saved) found in fridge – not opened

People who knowabout this henious torture:

Outside of private security firms 

law enforcement and very often are the same people


Doctors and Hospitals (read Oath Betrayed By Steven H Miles, M.D. Publisher Random House )- and are aiding and abetting and letting this happen.

 Doctors were present at Auizwich, and we all know of the terrible experiments preformed there by Dr Mengeles and Abu Ghraib but refused to treat or assist the tortured persons with medical help.

So you will not be helped with the medical problems you have suffered from being tortured


Persons performing this –– when ever they get close to you boom boom you feel the pain so you know who they are Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT SLIENT NOT SECRET SOME PEOPLE WHO KNOW:

Black Muslims

Private Security Companies*

 Do we have Blackwater types operating in US??????????????????

Janet Olson owner of 7547 N. Ridge Bldg Chicago

ILKen owner of building 4943 N. Kenmore Chicago

 and involved in this torture855 W. Aldine St. Chicago Il

CHGOTruman College Security*

Sulzer Library Security*

Professor Ress Truman College

A story of why I know the hospitals know of this torture. When I had to go to the hospital in July 2006, due to a urinary tract infection the nurse told me she had to put an IV in my arm because I might have to have some tests. So the needle went into the vein in and this was the same arm I received the “crunching’ on May or June at 7547 N. Ridge. No test was preformed but rather this was done to re-install the “system on me” which is degaussed for medical treatment. Also this is how I found out my nice straight veins were all crocked (I had always gotten compliments on my nice straight veins when ever blood was drawn) So after the diagnosis of the urinary tract infection I noticed the whirr of a motor and the “the torture system” was being reinstalled on me. I learned from research this system can be “de-gauzed” for medical check ups. SO THIS MEANS THAT DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS KNOW OF THIS TORTURE SYSTEM*very often employ law enforcement people who are moonlighting.


ONE EXAMPLE OF THE HEIGHT BRUTAL TORTURE CAN TAKE YOU (REMEMBER THIS TORTURE WILL ALWAYS BE RACHETED UP SO IT COULD GO THIS HIGH. What starts out as severe electronic torture could lead upward .Murder by torture of Monadel alJamadi and the Complicity of doctors in this torture. In 2003 SEAL team 7 (U.S. Forces) arrested him in Baghdad. They kicked and beat him and sat on him (one only unarmed man) He was taken to Abu Ghraib beaten, kicked “butt stroked,(bashed on the head with a rifle butt) his head was enclosed in a very heavy sand bag. He was stripped naked BELOW the waist. He had difficulty breathing. His arms ere bound together behind his back. He was shackled to a window frame by his wrists and lifted up off the floor. A cloth was place over his face to induce “air hunger” Now remember his arms were shackled behind him – he was lifted upward on the window frame thus causing the should sockets to pop out. He fell down and blood was coming out of his mouth. HE WAS DEAD. What good did it do to torture this man to death??? He gave them no information. This was done to one person by a force of U. S. troops.

Torture is defiling and it does not get information out of people. Doctors have always been present at Abu Ghraib but doctors refuse to treat or assist persons being tortured. They were a major force in help to perform heinous experiments on Jews in Auschwitz We all know of Dr Mengeles. .

References (DAILY BLOG)

Also read these url’s: more proof of this torture

or above url tiny</strong&gt;

You are so badly beaten with electronic weapons your body shakes uncontrollably.

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